Ed Graf case: Arsonist admits killing stepsons, walks free on Texas technicality

Ed Graf case: Arsonist admits killing stepsons, walks free on Texas technicality

Jason Graf, 8, and Joby Graf, 9, were burned alive in a backyard shed in Hewitt, Texas, in August 1986. Stepfather Ed Graf eventually pleaded guilty to murder in a retrial – but walked out of prison a free man days later on a legal technicality. From 2015: https://bit.ly/3AwRb7j

UPDATE August 16, 2019: Ed Graf is forbidden to live in several Texas counties by the Board of Pardons and Paroles. Graf will be on parole until 2048.


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22 thoughts on “Ed Graf case: Arsonist admits killing stepsons, walks free on Texas technicality

  1. The fact is new technolgy came to lite and they re opend his case he was looking at 120 years total he did 25 if he did or didnt do it youll say you did it even if you didnt to be free the guilty plea was a get out of jail free card and to me i think his son saying i hope you rot to his father is bs he might have been 2 years old how can you hate someone you never known the mother taught him to hate cuz she hates him rember she left him with the father when she first left just cuz he said he did it id say i did it to after 25 years for freedom its a damn good deal dont get me wrong im sorry for the loss of life but yall no youd say you did it too instead of sitting another 95 years

  2. Ed junior 😢 i feel for him, his Dad a murder… his mother loses 2 kids that are his half brother's and probs feels some crazy emotional feelings… if that were my life… 😮 speeches 😢

  3. I literally just did a quick research on the mandatory release and three of the things he shouldn't have been able to get out he was ineligible so how they override that.he had to be paying some people and he low down because he knew that law, that's why he plead guilty

  4. I watched "Evil lives here". Ed's wife said that on the pool where they were with children Ed almost drown her son. After this situation she was with that monster! She should leave him!

  5. Did a view on Google Maps of the house. The hedges are overgrown, the yard otherwise isn’t being maintained very well, and there are junk cars in the driveway. It looks as if the neighborhood deteriorated somewhat.

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