Dr. Accused of Delivering Baby After Day of Drinking (Part 2) – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Dr. Accused of Delivering Baby After Day of Drinking (Part 2) – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

A doctor making some pretty scary comments just minutes before delivering a baby. Ana Garcia has the story.

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43 thoughts on “Dr. Accused of Delivering Baby After Day of Drinking (Part 2) – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

  1. Oh my goodness! My sis in law and my best friend delivered here and had hideous experiences! My sis in law started hallucinating on demerol and crying out. Instead of helping the Dr told her if she didn't shut up he would do a c section and then used a vacuum on his head…. I wasn't there or I would have called the cops. My nephew was born with his face slack, we think from the trauma she felt. My friend was very uncomfortable in her labor also and the Dr told her it was from eating too much beans while preg!😯 Yes she is lantino. Right after that he just said she needed a C-section even though the baby was fine. People in Las Vegas don't have a baby at sunrise!!!! Please!

  2. Idk how the hospital even thought for a second that it would be a good idea to defend him. This is criminal.

    She consented! No shit! Not much of a choice when it comes to childbirth! SMH 🤦🏾‍♀️ They sound so stupid it is insulting to everyone’s sensibilities!

  3. As a healthcare provider I am embarrassed and ashamed for these people who were all but caring. They were negligent, they dismissed the fact this poor woman was having labor pain and was exhausted, they denied her water, and they can deny all they want but video proof is there and we all saw and heard them. To the animal who calls himself a doctor…… this was NOT what the oath you took was all about. Shame on you and shame on the nurses for showing such lack of compassion and respect. I hope they all lose their job for their inhumanity and they pay for the damages THEY caused to this little boy and his family. 😡

  4. SUED 9 TIMES FOR MALPRACTICE? 2 OTHER BABIES BORN WITH COMPLICATIONS BCUZ OF HIM, & the hospital & staff laugh, turn away, & blame the mother ?! Outrageously wrong and evil.

  5. absolutely outrageous how the nurses can joke along wiv this peice of shit laughing & joking. thank god that beautiful baby boy came out alive jesus CHRIST. he's a peice of shit & should be sacked & never should be allowed in a hospital again. absolutely disgraceful. I feel for that mother having her baby & having to hear all that my god she's a strong woman god bless her & her baby boy

  6. Poor baby!! Actually, excuse me..poor BABIES! How can that scum bag live w himself?! Oh ya..probably by being a worthless, pathetic, alcoholic who hurts others and gets drunk on the job

  7. This is appalling! Delivering a child even in this day and age still requires an exceptional amount of skill! No two (2) deliveries are exactly alike! This monster put 2 lives at risk! From what I've heard, this monster has had two other deliveries with the same outcomes. And other lawsuits!!! WHY IS HE STILL PRACTICING????? WHY ISN'T HE IN JAIL?????? SICK AND PATHETIC 🤮🤮!!!

  8. What kind of risk?? 😳 was it a high risk pregnancy, if so they should have had a high risk prenatal specialist on call, not a Doctor with a known bad history, and there are coincidences but not three injuries, of the same kind to… New Borns! I just hope that fight to the bitter end.
    Because they have a case, and everyone involved knows it… including those trifling nurses, I’m sure it not his first drunk delivery.

  9. That Dr is a joke, an those nurses that think it's ok to talk like that while a woman is in labor, it's not ok an the hospital, Dr an nurses should be ashamed! Hope they loose their licence…

  10. Ok so he was sued 9 fucking times for malpractice and he's still practicing medicine?! What a fucking joke the USA is when it comes to healthcare. I don't know how they say that Americans have the best healthcare and that they are the country of freedom because I'm from Canada and canada is the picture of freedom and we also have the best healthcare.

  11. They get away with it a lot here in South Florida let your baby get taken care of for the rest of his life and I don’t care if you get dragged out five or six or seven years let it go as long as possible girl you got video evidence video evidence you good trust and believe that there are seven jurors at least one of them is going to see it your way trust and believe that fight for as long as possible my sister did it for about four years and now that my niece is 16 she regrets not dragging it out longer you’re going to go through hardships where you’re going to want to except whatever little offer they give you do not except anything less than $1 million trust my niece has cerebral palsy and the nurse gave her another woman’s breast milk don’t let that arrogant jerk get away with that it was especially sad to see the black nurse stand for that shame on her more then the rest

  12. Dr. DeLee deliver 2 of my children and he was a clown throughout the whole OB care of my wife. I know he has issues he needs to deal with! I have so much to say about Sunrise Hospital my brother passed away in their care and we were not notified until 5 hours later. Shame on Sunrise Hospital. 😡 God Bless this Baby and I hope the baby is taken care of ASAP!

  13. Absolutely the doctor is responsible!! Is that man came in making those jokes or comments I'd send every one of those staff members out of my room and demand a new team or I'd deliver by myself. Even if it was a "joke" (which it obviously wasn't with his rude comments and denial for water) it was not at all appropriate. All of them and the hospital is responsible. The man was sued 9 times!! How many people need to suffer before he loses his license to practice ever again?!?

    A licensed midwife is the way to go. They're much more professional and sympathetic towards a family's needs and the comfort of a pregnant/ laboring mother. My experience with midwives versus doctors has been night and day. I will only ever have a midwife.

  14. 00:35 I wasn't aware the word birth had an F in it "Birf", sometimes English is hard. "You should have not been comin' from no bar" lol wtf. Why didn't you speak up and say "HEY DR. are you fucking drunk?, get me another Dr. please. Truth is you didn't really suspect the Dr. to actually be drunk.

  15. The Dr. didn't sound drunk 1. They tell you not to eat or drink before surgery so I don't think it was rude for him to say no to the water 2. I don't trust everything I see nowadays for all I know this was a setup for a free money suit, quick way to make a lifetime of dollars in a few months of court. IF there are other cases that the babies arms are coming out disfigured maybe there is something to this story but how would we know that? I think what probably happened is the Dr. left the bar before ever having a drink then this lady started recording and was thinking "I got this motherfucker now". Sorry that happened but I think there is reasonable doubt for this Dr.

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