‘Doomsday Cult’ Mom’s Surviving Son Blasts Her in Jailhouse Call About Murdered Siblings

‘Doomsday Cult’ Mom’s Surviving Son Blasts Her in Jailhouse Call About Murdered Siblings

Colby Ryan, the eldest son of “doomsday cult” mom Lori Vallow Daybell, confronted her in a jailhouse phone call about his murdered siblings, Tylee Ryan and J.J. Vallow. The audio from the phone call was played in court for the jury Tuesday. The Law&Crime Network’s Gigi McKelvey breaks down the entire call.

#LoriVallowDaybell #ColbyRyan #LawAndCrime

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44 thoughts on “‘Doomsday Cult’ Mom’s Surviving Son Blasts Her in Jailhouse Call About Murdered Siblings

  1. Wow, talk about weak-mindedness, and just plain ignorance when believing anyone can call-up, or cast spells, weather conditions can be cast and controlled. In the end, the Tornados didn't work out like they wanted. However, a s**t storm cloud began following them, raining down on both Lori and Chad, and it's forcasted to continue until their deaths.

  2. This is the danger of religious families teaching their children to never question authority especially if it comes from God and to always have blind faith. They become targets for people like Lori who figure out that if they say the right thing the right way, they can literally convince others that they're a holy being that deserves the same blind faith as God himself.

  3. This case gets me so angry and emotional and all I can think about the children and their suffering and what they must've been thinking as the people they love and should've been protecting them now doing them great harm. I pray they didn't suffer but JJs condition of his remains when he was found told me he suffered tremendously. How could you do that to your children.

  4. Zulemma is another, fooled by doctrines of demons. Anyone SHOULD question someone claiming to be visited by "heavenly beings". FALLEN angels were once heavenly beings as well, but now masters of deception. PLUS, we are to TEST THE SPIRIT, and if it goes against anything God said, (as in Thou shalt not kill!!!) Then you KNOW it's NOT from God. Fools.

  5. If someone was visited by heavenly beings – Alex’s wife needed to ask herself, ‘What are the chances that this would happen at all – to anyone?’ Let alone someone she knew. I mean talk about a happenstance coincidence. Being gullible is a miscarriage of justice in this case.

  6. I think Chad came around and her facade went down. Tylee and her cousin took care of JJ before Lori abandoned both kids for months. She now had her cult to look up to her and enable her psycopathic behavior. She attempted to murder Tylees dad years before this went down. People dont suddenly lose empathy. She never had it, not for her kids, or anyone but herself. The rest was a big act, and her image was everything. Charles threatening to expose her in the temple set off a familicide murder spree. Either you were with Lori or she was going to destroy you. You can hear how Lori threatened people in her call with Melanie. Everyone knew that as soon as she started calling them "dark" their lives are in danger. She knew full well she was lying to gain followers and power and did not believe her kids were "zombies." Shes not pleading insanity and the prosecution needs to stop handing her that defense. Shes as dangerous now as she always was.

  7. Oni wszyscy z tej sekty są w moich oczach podejrzani. Nie wierzę w to, że akt zabójstwa nie był przez nich jakoś wspólnie świętowany i nie odprawiali przy tym żadnych rytuałów. Oni cuchną siarką, jestem przekonana, że to nie były "zwykłe morderstwa" niepotrzebnych członków rodziny a ofiary do złożenia ich liderom. Nie wierzę w to, że ci zaślepieni fani tej szalonej dwójki oszustów byli święci i nie popełnili dla nich żadnego przestępstwa. Odnoszę wrażenie że dostali ugodę byleby wydać swoich niedoszłych Guru… szkoda, ze sami nie poniosą żadnej odpowiedzialności za swoje czyny, ślepo wykonywane.

  8. This is BY FAR the BEST evidence sooooooooooooooooo far. Coz lori says… the only people that were there & KNEW what happened was me & the kids. This finally proves EXACTLY what I have always said…. it was lori that physically killed JJ & Tylee! O,g my heart breaks really bad for Colby! I wish I could hug him & tell him it will b alright!🙏💔😭💔😭💔😭💔

  9. Zulema is a sad case of diminished intellect. Probably homeschooled.
    What a mess of a family.
    You have to feel for Colby. Harley Hunt too. Plus Kay & Larry Woodcock.

  10. So…. IF? They are so “heavenly” and they were doing the right thing by getting rid of “dark” people…why were they caught? Have they asked Jesus, I know they have one in every single prison, oh wait they can ask him when they finally get there 😮😂😢😢😢

  11. This is so sad for the children of these terrible parents. It's insane how these parents think that they think it is okay or that they will get away with these crimes.

  12. All I can think about as Colby bravely speaks are the words of Jesus Christ in Matthew 8:10, where he says, "Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel" (KJV).

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