Judge Steven Boyce ruled that the verdict of “doomsday cult” mom Lori Vallow Daybell can be streamed live with courtroom cameras. The Law&Crime Network’s Gigi McKelvey has more on the ruling.
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Of course she believes she get herself out of this on her own… people like this live in their world where things happen her way or don’t happen Time for this mother to see herself in the 🪞 mirror. Period.
Shes a Devil in a dress her husband is one in suit
Well Charles Manson influenced people to kill and they gave him the death penalty.
Been there done that and yes, it is possible to believe are here that God’s telling you to do something with your children that I know for a fact, I’m not saying she’s riding wrong I’m just saying, I know for a fact
The whole trial should have been televised. This is how our judicial system works.
I really really didn’t like the judge for this trial. I’m glad he allowed us to listen to the trial at least but we should have been able to watch it.
Whose smiling now ?
Whose smirking now.?
Whose sorry now?
GUILTY on all charges!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is the verdict going to be live on this channel
“ there is no insanity in Idaho “
nice to see GiGi not day "whatchu know alibierz" or "melaniece" for once
Verdict and sentence are two different proceedings. Victim impact statements and all the other things mentioned 4-5 comments below have nothing to do with the jury’s verdict.
Omg I have been away with no Wi-Fi for 2 weeks
Ugh…her very punchable face, her smirk and that ridiculous poodle dog hairdo just make me sick!
They both should’ve got death this is crazy
THEY BOTH killed FOUR freaking people and then one more from just her since I believed she killed Tylee’s dad too.
They’re just narcissistic sick demons- not mental.
She won't get Tammy… Chad did tammy….
She's lookin' more and more like the Cowardly Lion of Wizard of Oz
Ha, just after watching this (and I've only just got into this story), I get an ad asking me if I want to be visited by latter day saints for an introduction to their ideas.
How do we listen to closing arguments?
They're is no doubt in my mind that these people were communicating, wether visually, or just audibly, with demons. They are real, and the reason she has no remorse, is because they convinced her and Chad, that these things were done for the benefit of the end… they were completely decieved. Dont speak with psychics or mediums, or the "dead" because they are masters of deception. Had she read the correct and only HOLY Bible, they would have known this, but again, they were decieved with that too.
Good news, finally.
why is she so special? Why did this judge not allow cameras? The murdoch trial had cameras and this should have been no different.
We all know she did everything they are accusing her of but sadly I do not think the state proved their case. I have a bad feeling she’s going to get found not guilty. I pray I’m wrong.
This thumbnail is hilarious 😂
God bless the judge looks is getting better and better
Did she say "It was WENT?" OMGosh… Not. It has gone … gone baby, gone.
Accessory to murder you don't have to do the crime, but know it's going to happen and do nothing about it. Guilty just as much as if you pulled the trigger
She will also need to stand trial (which will be televised) for conspiring to kill her former husband Charles Vallow.
Its right that it shouldnt have been shown. Im glad i didnt see the reactipns to those pictures pf the bodies and the smirking. Look at hpw everyone judged and tossed aborut the johnny depp trial and that didnt matter as much as this one.
Not every murder trial is shown so just be greatful we get to see the verdict.
The reason the Judge allows cameras in the court is because the trial is over and the juries. Common sense.
I wish she got the death penalty
This is a nice but the epidemic of Parents/Guardians harming their own children needs to be stopped! We as a society need to do something so children have access to safe harbor and are educated on their own personal safety. CPS needs to be de-funded and rebuilt just like the rest of our “justice system.”
Does anybody else think that Gigi looks a bit like Jodi Foster?
What can she possibly gain by taking the stand. SHE is doomed!
Wasn’t anyone else watching/listening to the trial from yesterday when the defense asked the judge to go through every piece of evidence as it pertains to a charge because the defense believes the judge will rule in the defenses favor I.e., Lori?