Darryl Rudolph Jr., the brother of former NFL player Travis Rudolph exclusively appeared on the Law&Crime Network and rapped about his brother’s acquittal. “If you think Travis a murderer it cause you don’t know what happened,” Darryl rapped.
#travisrudolph #nfl #lawandcrime
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4:37. here is when the guy "raps", they were not joking.
Newswoman says ALL were victims, how is that? 2:01
😂😂😂😂 the lady chiming in “Darryl, I know there are a lot of emotions” I’m weakkkkk
That brother…Nuh Uuuhhh…stop that damn noise!! I’d be embarrassed if that was my brother!!
I'm CRYING 😭Him and his brother are polar opposites. Travis Rudolph was like yeah they had guns, yeah I was upset, yeah I shot at them 😑. Mean while his brother is WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS COUNTRY⁉ WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS NATION⁉
So, from the neighbors testimony about this guy being soft spoken and calm….and telling us about his little bunnies and potbelly pigs….i didn’t expect that ending.
Brillante rap Daryl!
🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️ 😂 Bro everybody wanna be a rapper😅
Everyone in this isn’t a victim. Travis was the ONLY victim
Never should’ve been charged. If anyone deserves to be charged it’s the bitter ex girlfriend
The women have to have consequences in these situations
Somebody should pick Darryl up, give him a beat, make this rap a record. Even if it's literally his only one ever.
I'm on the Metro looking crazy laughing at this rap and the reporter trying to get him to stop. TEARS literally flowing 😂😂😂😂
Ayo I’m rollin!!! My man took full advantage of his 7 mins of fame 😂
The end shoulda went viral 😂🤣😂🤣
I told my sisters don’t put ya hand on ya boyfriend /husband and when he hit you you screaming I’m going to get my brother….nope no ya not now if he touched you first it’s a different story…
10/10 rap
He’s really tryna get signed
The rap caught me off guard but if you listen to the words its FIRE! Its got that Tupac vibe to it. But the real winner is the interviewer's face while he was droppin' bars! PRICELESS 😅😂
could have done without the rap… Even when wearing a cowboy hat the ghetto just has to drip out.
It would have been more effective if he just kept it short and to the point. Going on and on loses the meaning.
😂😂😂😂😂 I’m weak at the rap, that came outta nowhere … but glad justice was served.
This fool auditioning
Don't know how the news anchor kept a straight face when that fool kept rambling on
That freestyle was fire
The he snapped
It was a good song. And SUPER passionately delivered. Dominique really violated that house! And she KNOWS she was not hit because… well, she was not hit. Maybe she doesn’t quite deserve to have charges brought against her (along with the other men), but she should be ashamed of herself. And based on her attitude on the witness stand, I know she isn’t. Be more selective of the people you bring into your intimate circle, beautiful people.
I love him showing that passion. Give the man the mic.
Love his talent !! Record deal ! didn't like the host !!
dislike for cutting him off
His brother answered the question with what he wanted to highlighted about that state completely incompetent government and state