A man in his underwear gets arrested for allegedly assaulting his girlfriend. Also, another man attempts to hide from police in his basement.
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דרור הגיבור : איש קראטה זמר תאטרלי טבעוני דתי : פרוש משטרה הינה > מחלת ראש ! נבלות מעדנם של נשרים ! מי מציית לחוקי הפשע שלהם ??? מזרחים רוצחי מזרחים ! רק נשים אלימות מסובכות נפשית יכולות לקדם תעשיית נאצים כזאת .אף אדם לא חייב את גופו הפרטיייי לשליטת פשיעת גופי העולם ! פסיכיאטריית תעשיית חומרי מוות ! ורפואת שקר והרעלה מערבית ! גופינו אורגני מחומר הטבע לא מחומרי תעשיה הנעים על פס היצור , גופנו אינו מכונה ! כמה שהרעיל והתרחק האדם מהטבע ככה חלה ! אנו בני טבע .
Why is he wearing a diaper?
They forgot to Search him. I wonder what he has under his diaper😮
He was under the Arrest!
Worst thing to wake up to
Grown baby doesn’t wanna play nice
4:16 read his Miranda Rights
No need to be gentle officers.
If this was in Britain he would have been given a STERN TALKING TO that's if our useless police even investigated the scum bag
This ish is gold 😂
When cops first came out it was real unfiltered but then angina everything was unfilitered in the 90’s take me back 😂
I would not leave my kids in there
Not him in his calzoncitos 🤣🤣🤣
I really don’t believe he hit her. Working all day, he wanted a beer and sleep.
IS THIS 2022 2023 ? OR 2000 ? YEAR I MEAN
He never hit her. Her daughter said she threatens to hit him with a weapon. Yet he gets humiliated, dragged out of bed undressed. You all hate too much.
So he thought pretending to be sleep was gonna make them go away 😂like he some type of king no one wants to disturb 😂
“ Well what time is it? “ 😂😂 I think he was wearing children’s pull-ups 😂
Bad gene-pool right there.
She left her kids alone in the house with a lunatic?
First video: that’s at the renaissance apartments off of military trail and near 45th st lol
I think it's weird he got a separate room the night he died.
Number one source of spousal abuse, religion!!!!!
Hahahahah "what time is it?" Never laughed that hard at cops wearing those give me the chon chon fit
Bro wtf. The cops just arrested this diaper-equipped babyman in the middle of his nap time. Not cool. No wonder people hate cops.
Cry baby narcissistic abuser.
Time to go to jail
lol he has diapers on
His snoring is enough to get him arrested.
Isnt it great how they only bully /assault women but so different when the cops grab him. Typical coward.
What was that second arrest for in the basement?
big baby in a big diaper
He's obviously here illegally
What time is it?? Time for the cuffs to go on…..
Nice guy. Beatiful couple. Very upstanding. TRASH. Hope they read these.
What time is it 😂😂😂😂😂
Crying in his pampers after hitting his "babysitter" then wants to sue everybody. Is he old enough to drink?
lil debbie look ight lol
classic, Abusers crying, not because they feel bad, they're crying because they got caught for being abusers.