Dr. Christopher Duntsch is accused of intentionally botching procedures to harm patients.
More on this here: https://crimewatchdaily.com/2017/04/19/crime-watch-daily-investigates-the-case-of-planos-doctor-death/
Check your local listings here: http://crimewatchdaily.com
It's is sad sad hearts broken
doctors are disgusting creatures, especially american doctors. they will burn in hell.
If you've applied to med school and residency programs and then attending positions you will know 100% that this will continue to happen.
That doctor is so handsome, but handsome people can also be terrible persons.
I would've ended him as soon as I heard the news…..
I will never understand how he was able to hurt all of these people and still was able to practice I feel bad for everybody he hurt and killed I cry every time I watch this bc I don't understand how he was able to get away with it for so long and everybody that never reported him they need to be held accountable as well I'm glad that DR Kirby and the other DR reported him
#ThisWhyDoctors have been getting killed and #Alberta u better look into the real #Pyschoes this why u evil bastards r getting #Clipped #Rowl4nd99
#FuckURichmond u better be good #RichmondBC #Rowl4nd99
I just saw this movie on usa and i couldn't believe this man he's a jerk
I delivered my son at NCB hospitial Bronx NY. I had a negligent and a sadistic doctor. She never came near me but rolled her eyes and left me in labor for 4 days without pain meds had a emergency c section, pelvis 2 small. Had a high temperature and my son is slow at school and hyperactive. I developed PTSD. Coundn't sue. Hospitial covered it all up. Problems weren't apparent after the delivery. God damn those doctors.
Dr. Patrick Wiliam Hitchon – lead neurosurgeon at the University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics, destroyed my life when I was just 18. After being hit by a drunk driver in a MVA, Dr. Hitchon was performing a normal L5 spina fusion, yet while inserting the last screw holding the fusion plate, he snapped the heads off of all the screws. Since I'd had a severe head injury, he just stitched me shut. God cast His grace upon me and I awoke. Other than having a paralyzed left leg and horrific pins-and-needles pain, I was just fine. Dr. Hitchon blamed the paralysis on the external flesh wound to my left buttock, claiming that this paralysis was common, would certainly heal within three years, and that if it did not, he'd perform a simple surgery to correct it.
Interviewer asking the most stupid questions.. thats why she puts on those glases to sound smarter but no hunny u dumb af
This sounds like something out of a horror movie.
This is why whenever I go to a hospital I tell them I'm in med school because they Cut the BS abd tell u straight up what's wrong with u the only problem to that tactic is sometimes you don't know the Doctor lingo
I wonder how much he cheated in med school?
Heartbreaking. So sorry for the family.
A military man told me once that he knew a woman that worked in the medical industry that was tired of killing people… That she did it in purpose, the more patients she killed it the better. It seems that there is a group of people(I will say satanic people) that aim to murder in their work as much as they can.
SOOO SAD. i’m so sorry for their losd
Doctors are trying to kill me. I am dying because they are purposefully neglecting me and withholding my diagnosis. I can't even go to the ER. They will kill me because I said I would sue them if they kept neglecting me.
I feel like I’ve seen the person on the left of the girl that does crime watch daily from a case that, one of the people that worked with the investigators where killed and she had solved it cause it was her own husband
Rick Perry passed laws to protect these criminals!
Eww why does he look like that now lol karma
Ugh my reflexes are so terrible when they said that they cut her open I started singing bleeding love by Leona Lewis
He’s cute tho
Poor lady. RIP
Solitary confinement for life sounds about right
How on earth was he allowed to work in 4 different hospitals?!
I watched Dr. Death on the Peacock app(it’s a mini-series about this PoS) and it is so good! I am petrified to have surgery now, though. 😅
It’s honestly horrifying that he didn’t lose his license after the first time something like that happened….
Honestly. The most horrific part is that there is NO JUSTICE for the maimed and dead. The system failed these people.
Damn.. they really shouldn't have shown that first picture of him when he was younger lol .. I didn't even realize that was the same guy as in the end ..I guess killing and maiming people takes a real toll on your looks.
This guy is a monster….but "DIC" stands for disseminated intravascular coagulation….not "death is coming."
U want some fucked up info go look and see how many doctors like this that were taken down in 2019 after this bullshit and go look at the number of people these guys kill every year. It's the 3rd leading cause of death behind smoking and heart attack. Yeah..
What garbage. They keep flashing the face of somebody but that isn't Christopher Duntsch.
Hospitals (4) were complicit. They never reported this and gave good references to other hospitals.
Man I've been there, woke up one morning and found out hours later that my Mom isn't here anymore. She died of cancer, but she'd been sick with other illnesses for years prior. I was 19 when she passed, and at that point I was ready to let her go. It's been 5 years now, I'm doing fine.
who is here after watching the show
How the hell did this guy not lose his medical license?!