Lori Vallow Daybell’s former sister-in-law Zulema Pastenes continues to testify against the “doomsday cult” mom Tuesday. The Law&Crime Network’s Jesse Weber and Gigi McKelvey break down her disturbing testimony, so far.
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Most sick people like this hide behind faith it makes me sick!
This disgusting woman doesnt have visions from beyond the veil, she is addicted to visions of power and attention fro others. So delusional its hard to grasp!
Gg voice is so fast and annoying
So many people in their twisted cult knew these children had a stain on their backs because of Lori. How are more charges not laid on her henchman puppets ??
Very unfortunate you have trial people like this she killed her kids and needs to be locked up or I say put to death
God when are the children going to get justice
It's been to long .
Charles wish came true, Lori is being EXPOSED for the evil person that she is, to the whole 🌎 no conscious, greedy with a narcissistic, grandiose personality.
I love Gigi’s voice!
At some point munchausen by proxy was brought up regarding Lori vallow & the daughter she had murdered Tylee. Brutal murders
WOW these people are coocoo for Cocoa Puffs
I guarantee zoo-lemma has 30 cats
Poor tylee knew smthn was up
Now dont get mad with me but they really brainwashed Alex to do their dirty work. I wonder how it started, how Chad would get these people thinking he is a God like figure. Surely any sane person at first would think it was bs, so what changed and made an uncle kill his neice and nephew and chop one of them up. I also wonder if Tylee knew what was going on? 🤔
1. Is there a chance that Lori can be charged with Charles murder and death penalty added?
2. Do you think the Social Security Office will prosecute Lori for fraud on not reporting:
1. Her new marriage
2. Tylee’s money coming in after her death.
3. JJ’s money, same?
‘Disturbing takeaways’??
Don’t tell me she ordered pineapple 🍍 on the pizza?
FF 1 minute of intros ain’t tooooo bad
Only the death penalty is appropriate for people who murder their own children.
Sounds like these people were a bunch of complete nutjobs
I hope this is a (Wake Up Call For Other's !!!!!) People Please If You Have Watched This An Any Of This Sounds Familiar To You (YOU ARE IN A CULT !!! SEEK HELP FOR YOURSELF !!!!! YOU HAVE TO GET OUT !!! THEY WILL KILL YOU !!! God ask only that You believe in His Son Jesus and ask forgiveness of your sins and to turn away from sin !!! YOU ARE NOT TO KILL, YOU ARE NOT TO STAND IN JUDGMENT OF SOMEONE, THERE IS NO SCALE OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS, NO HUMAN IS IN CONTROL OF THE ELEMENTS ON EARTH OR IN HEAVEN ONLY GOD WHO CREATED THEM ALL !!!! Their believes and teachings which against God That's How You Know It Is Evil !!! These Two Turned Themselves Into Their Own God !!! Pure Evil !!!
Gigi is gonna need a stiff drink & a 3 day sleep in to recover from this! Girl be working HARD!
I cannot even fathom why the death penelty is off the table for Lori?!
I get a weird narcissistic vibe from Lori’s oldest son. I didn’t like his interviews since this happened. It was one thing that he never cried….but he seemed to enjoy doing these interviews. I dk. Weird vibe regardless of his actions. I can see her favoring her boy. I could see her making him be her savior when he was young.
chad is a cult leader and all of these insecure gutless weirdos did exactly what he said……both should be dealt with like rabid dogs
I want to know if Lori’s niece is going to be held accountable.
Looks like the grandparents would have ask about the kids or visited.