Disturbing Deposition of School Shooter Who Opened Fire on Crowd of Students and Teachers

Disturbing Deposition of School Shooter Who Opened Fire on Crowd of Students and Teachers

On March 24, 1998, 13-year-old Mitchel Johnson and 11-year-old Andrew Golden pulled the fire alarm at Westside Middle School in Jonesboro, Arkansas. As teachers led their students to the designated areas, Johnson and Golden opened fire on the crowd of students and staff, killing four students, one teacher, and injuring several others. They were arrested by police 10 minutes later. They were found guilty of five counts of murder and placed in a juvenile correctional facility until they turned 21. After being released, Golden changed his name to Drew Douglas Grant. Watch the full deposition as police try to get more details out of him over a decade later.

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48 thoughts on “Disturbing Deposition of School Shooter Who Opened Fire on Crowd of Students and Teachers

  1. Hes like 'he made me get the guns, he made me do this, he made me do that…' then decided himself to shoot multiple people. These are called inconsistent statements my friends.

  2. eclipsed by columbine, nobody remember this or the song……and many people grew up on guns and dont go on shooting sprees….also lets think about this: your friends come to your home and see you have guns then going around telling everybody epecaly GIRLS (Lisa P….dont remember) and nothing happens in relation to the statements. everybody forgettss this

  3. I get that this guy did something horrific, but the interviewer is being a real A-hole!!! I could feel his hatred through the screen.. i feel for him being questioned in this way..

  4. I can't believe they didn't bleep out all the phone numbers he had to give out. I'm sorry but that's just wrong. There's no reason everyone on YouTube should have access to his, his mom's or his friend's phone numbers. All this attorney is doing to me is making me feel sorry for Drew. I'm from Arkansas and remember very well when it happened but he was still a child. I'm not saying he didn't know better but his brain wasn't even close to being fully developed yet.

  5. i dont really understand whats going on here……he got released at 21, and then they decide to have some sort of deposition after he has already been released to the general public. what is the purpose of the deposition? i dont understand what the purpose of it is for.

  6. What is the purpose for this deposition?
    He served his sentence, he has every right under the Constitution to change his name and move on with his life.
    What he did was horrible and unthinkable but he was punished by the state for the crimes that he committed.
    How is this legal or ethical?

  7. Having works for a criminal judge for almost 5 years.… Atty knows why he didn’t reach out to the victim’s family. The sentencing, the disposition almost always, explicitly, says that the defendant is to have no contact with the victors or victims families.

  8. Ten thousand kids EACH DAY in America become old enough to legally buy a gun: if 50% of children have mental health problems, why do we sell guns to 100% of them? – j q t –

  9. You ever notice a southern person who needs to feel smarter than everyone and right and powerful gets louder instead of confident? *drawls even more 🤮 and acts righteous instead of assured* (Not that this man wasn’t guilty) It’s that this lawyer is pompous instead of level headed and confident in the evidence. It actually makes him look ignorant and not savvy or paricularly capable.

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