Monique Daniels vanished more than two decades ago without a trace. She had run away before and also been forced to terminate a pregnancy.
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Mrs Danielle’s was my teacher
This story was crazy I can't believe they didn't care if their daughter was missing
She was killed
Mom looks like a physcopath.. Eyes so numb
The Moore PD is on it, don't worry!
Whyd it take 2 years for the parents to report it, and if they did kill her what was the motive?? Man they really need to reopen this investigation and find justice for these siblings and the girl
wtf is wrong w these ppl
Come back to okc douche bags! So you can be remembered of Monique & what was done to her.
Oh ✋ guilt is catching up & judgement day is coming!
if Monique was still alive then she sure would have tried to contact Angelique and at least tell her that she is alive.
Omg dallas tx that’s where am from and live at
What a horrible, horrible family !!! This whole episode is a constant WTF !! Poor kid.
Angelique looks like that one girl from modern family lol
It's always the parents… Very rarely is it some random intruder. They didn't even file a missing person report, then they erase her entirely? New photos and family videos. Then her brother comes forward and explains what happened… Monique was pregnant to her vicious stepfather he killed her and put her in a barrel…
This story could've been a book!
o.m.g how dang obvious is it what happened to Monique .The parents had something to do with her dissaperence / Murder ? This is horrific & horrible .These children suffered tremendously .I hope the truth comes out one day.R.i.p. sweet girl.
That dept is terrible lol
He kill her.
Angelique mentions an F5 tornade. Is she talking about May 3rd Tornado of 1999? I remember that day. I was a TA at U of Oklahoma. A guy called me up some time after 6 o'clock. He was a student. It was the day before they were supposed to take a final example. He asked me if it was okay for him to go and help people in Moore. I had no idea what was happening. He told me that a huge tornado ripped through an area stretching from Moore to Del City.
The truth is…the dumb ass, cruel parents were invovled in her murder….guilty as charged…..
Such a beautiful girl…RIP🥀
This show makes me SO SAD!! With their stories
Wow the mother and step father are pos. Only guilty people attempt to erase someone's existence. Those poor kids were abused and then raised by evil pos.
And I thought the kardashians where bad
the fucker killed her, please police solve this!
You guys probably won't believe me but this is actually my step family. And I didn't know a lot about this story until today when me and my step sisters were talking. All I can really say is the family when I met them didn't seem like the family that would do such things but everyone has their secrets. No one really talks about Monique sadly. I wanted to know more about what happened and why but no one ever would say anything. Now watching the video I don't know what to think. A few years back they went to places where they think her body might be but nothing was ever found yet. And since then no one has said anything about the whole situation.
I rekon he was getting her pregnant!
this interviewer must be related to Victoria principle
I need to become a private investigator
I hate how the detective keeps saying idk when asked a question
conclusion: this is one f*** up family. this family has issues.
So what the hell happened to Monique?! I swear they better know what happened, because I hate when there's no real explanations and it becomes a cold case,that's just not satisfying or a somewhat okay ending either.