Diary Leaves Clues After Woman Vanishes – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

Diary Leaves Clues After Woman Vanishes – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

Missing woman Amber Wilde’s diary entries hint at what may have happened to her.

More on Wilde here: https://crimewatchdaily.com/2017/04/14/does-secret-diary-reveal-road-map-to-amber-wildes-disappearance-murder/

Check your local listings at http://crimewatchdaily.com


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32 thoughts on “Diary Leaves Clues After Woman Vanishes – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

  1. These story very disturbing, very upsetting

    Prayers to this woman's family
    I believe in the Safety and Well-being Women, Children, and Men

    WOMEN Have the  RIGHT to FEEL  and BE SAFE

    This is a reply post regarding a article on Assault Against Woman:

    For what is statistically true, or accurate, and even what is not included statistically, and all other crime such as this is what is ( violence against women) Always unacceptable…

    Women have the Right to Feel and be Safe…

    No woman…, or person….child…should ever have to experience this kind heinous personal intrusion in their lifetime, this seems to be occurring at least according to news reports more, and all to often.

    Actually this activity should be in a stage, or state of Reversal, and NOT Increasing, I am continually upset as well as greatly disturbed in hearing such stories, as I have always have been…

    My Heart Always… goes out to any person which have experienced any such similar experience of intrusion, attacks, and, or invasion of their personal well-being… due violence, and or violent behavior,

    I will continue Praying for the Safety and Well-Being of Others…
    Keep everyone SAFE
    Your Life is important

    Advocate of Humanity, Author, Writer, Poet, Safety Advocate
    Jason Sandifer,

  2. Reading the comments i feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t push the seat back in the car! 😂 I’m 5’3 and drive with my knees touching the steering wheel, and get out the same way I left it. My boyfriend always hates getting in vehicles after me cause he always has to push the dang seat back! 😂

  3. I just feel so bad for these family's who have to go throught these like wtf is wrong with ppl why do ppl kill i dont get it how can you do this to someones brother sister aunt uncle niece ughh im done

  4. Why they are all laughing when they are talking about her grave/ being dead- mum, dad and the cop are all smiling – I don’t get it- is it the reporter’s eyebrows🤦‍♀️

  5. it seems noone wants to address a very obvious solution to things like this, when will men have a say in child birth? or if not birth, child rearing. its absurd that we leave a choice that can ruin a mans life, up to a emotional pregnant woman. If YOU want to keep that baby, okay….but a man should have a legal choice to not support or be a part of that babies life. if that sounds cold to you, your ignorant, because woman kill babies left & right, so lets get beyond that BS. Woman are often killed by men, who feel trapped, because they are in a situation where they have no choice but to do what they dont want to do. give men a choice, its only right

  6. A little fender bender but she hit her head on the windshield?? Next time you drive, look how far away your windshield is… Must have been a bigger accident than they let on…

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