Criminal Defense Attorney John Henry Browne discusses what it’s like to defend the most notorious killers of all time — including Ted Bundy.
‘Devil’s Defender’: Lawyer’s autobiography reveals new details on Ted Bundy – Crime Watch Daily

Criminal Defense Attorney John Henry Browne discusses what it’s like to defend the most notorious killers of all time — including Ted Bundy.
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Yeah the lawyer is obliged to make a big point of saying he found that client morally repugnant. I don't imagine that defending Bundy did much for his reputation, socially, at least. He looks slightly shifty himself, heh – though in this context that's obviously relative
I don't know why people keep calling the creep good looking, he's repulsive. Take a look at this nose, it's huge.
Ted Bundy was a incredibly high functioning sociopath, I wonder who was serving who in this lawyer client interaction,, so much for confidentiality!!
Thats total bs about "one of Teds accomplices leaving him a car!" Ted was on foot and had to wander around in the cold until he found a car to steal. Does this guy not know ANYTHING about Bundy??? I never even met Ted but my knowledge of Ted is far more accurate than this guys. Ugh…😒
"Im so ashamed of representing Ted Bundy that Im gonna write a book to make money off of it, and do interviews showing my face." I havent read his book, but from what Ive heard its full of lies. I heard he said that Kimberly Leach was partially eaten by the pigs in the hog shed. Which is complete bs because Kimberly was placed in an ABANDONED hog shed, and she was found mummufied but fully intact.
Who is this lawyer kidding ? He thought about going to Florida and taking him out ? It’s a joke
Il avait des yeux diaboliques ce mec-là.
He was born with evil either in the womb, his mother he grew up thinking was his sister and the grandfather was atrocious or it was present in the grandfather and home since he was a child the demon, why we protect our kids and get them baptized and get them to know God and all about that so that demons don't terrorize the young.
The "evil" little girl that was adopted was not lost and at one point neither was bundy.
Before 1969 when he said the enity got really bad would have been the time to go to church and talk about it, get deliverance, and change could have happened.
He let it go too long without any help knowing he could feel it and other could too.
Feeling evil around a person, youre feeling the demon without seeing it but some of yall definitely see the demon in him manifest when he talks.
You can see it take him over
Supresses his emotions to do with empathy and only allows him to feel anger.
I don't know why Hollywood hasn't done a bio-pic on The Barefoot Bandit. Maybe it's too much like "Catch Me If You Can," which was an entertaining movie.
0:12 Bundy was never good looking at all. The myth that he was so handsome is just redundant at this point. He would be lucky to be called average looking. I mean, the idiot is def not a great looking guy
Wasn't the staff Sargeant pardoned by the serial criminal con man former wh-resident?
I don’t know American laws. Is it required by law for a lawyer not to tell police where/who the murderer they’re representing is after the killer has escaped from prison?
I love you women, and young INNOCENT LITTLE TATGETS BABY, he ain’t good looking baby he flesh with a demon face
He’s a shape shifter. A demon. And he will rise again, we must find his other face. Amen
Well if you lead with the bad stuff…
Who were Bundy's accomplices ???👀
So who put a gun to JHB's head and forced him to defend Bundy?
Ted was lying when he said he felt guilt. A true narcissistic psychopath.
He often gets facts wrong, which makes his credibility questionable. For example, in the jail escape, there was no car left by an ‘accomplice’. Ted stole one. He always seems to get something wrong.
I think Ted Bundy ever went dormant like most serial killers do.
Im sure there are murders we don't know about and will ever know about.
The prison Bundy escaped from should have been sued because inmates told the jailers Bundy was crawling in the ceiling days before he escaped. This allowed Bundy to kill more women.
6:51 omg!
I don’t think he’s good looking
Quand est-ce qu'on pourra lire ses 📖 en France (on est toujours en retard) c est triste 😥
Why do they show Tallahassee as being on the water?
He’s full of shit if he thought he deserved the worst punishment. He was scared shitless of getting the electric chair.
He knew what to say to try to gain sympathy
You know it’s crazy cause I’m sure if he took the plea he would be getting asked for tons of interviews especially now a days since he enjoyed the attention so much 🤣
His not the devil. He had demons inside of him
Bundy was possessed from birth. Evil definitely.
If I could say one say one thing to Buddy’s Attorney, I would ask him if he believes pregnant women taking high powered drugs can damage the mind of an infant in the womb….Also I would ask him if he believes killings and doing the horrible things Buddy did leads to demon possession….I wished more people understood drugs effects on a child in the womb, but also demon possession. It is real..
i don’t remember seeing iphim in any documentary .. was h in court?
That judge is a savage props to him
Scary thing is ted bundy was not crazy at all…and that is why he got all the victims he did…ted bundy was pure evil disguised as a well put together lawyer type…and thats what he used
Mah boy Colton👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
One sick puppy. ..
There should be a Ted Bundy dating site ? bad joke ?
The lady looks like she doesn't believe anything he's saying to the point she wants to laugh..
Why is everyone talking about Bundy's "killer good looks", he's completely average and unremarkable.
Okay, Ted Bundy's looks are overrated. I'm tired
John Wayne gacys lawyer told the 2 detectives watching him to never let him out of their sight. This happened after Gacy confessed to the lawyer.
FRR he Kinda cute