Kaua’i Police Det. Colin Nesbitt detailed confronting Lori and Chad Daybell in Hawaii to serve them an order to produce the “doomsday cult” mom’s children, Tylee Ryan and J.J. Vallow. Nesbitt also conducted a search warrant on the “doomsday cult” duo and found personal belongings of the children in Lori’s possession, including her son’s iPad and her daughter’s credit card.
#LoriVallowDaybell #ChadDaybell #LawAndCrime
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I find it hard to digest the thought of these clowns getting married with heavy lusts while the children are dead in the ground….
I truly believe She murdered jj to get back at Kay for getting the life insurance. She could only get away with it by murdering Tylee bc of the closeness of Tylee and JJ
This chick had a credit card in tylees name?!?! Wtf
Hi hope the prisoners hear about “The Storm” and rain a bit down on these two low lives. How effing disgusting!!!
That photo of them on the beach is so cringe. They just killed their families and there they are living it up enjoying Hawaii while the two children they murdered are crudely buried in Chads backyard. They are DESPICABLE and I hope they’re both victimized by the prisoners who find out they’re child murderers
One time I was walking and stepped on a baby lizard 😢 and killed him. I still think about it this day and guilty I feel. And how weird it was. And how he didn’t derserve to die. That poor lizard😢 and these people…. go to Hawii after strangling their kids? Even if the brother Alex did it. Still you know what he did. How can you go to Hawaii? How can I feel bad about stepping on a lizard and these people killed their own kids ? And feel nothing ? 😢 like my brain doesn’t understand
How delusional do you have to be to commit murders and then just go off and live your best life as if nothing happened and nothing’s going to catch up to you?
This prosecutor a newbie she doesn't carry herself witha lot of confidence
Is this case all audio only? Any live coverage in court?
I was just thinking how Chad said Tammy had a terrible cough right before she died(was killed) remember Zulema and Melani P said the same thing about Alex Cox??
ugh the audio is so awful. I can't believe they demand payment for this i think's like 25 bucks a minute. ridiculous
When Charles was murdered n then she was questioned by the police she actually laughed saying “hi neighbours” 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
Anyone have any thoughts as to ehy Lori had her own 2million dollar life insurance policy???
Murdered her children and stole their money so she could live the good life. Trash, absolute garbage people.
Shame ultimate punishment can't be applied. The poor trusting wife and two innocent babie's.
These people are all monsters. But there really aren’t words to describe people like this, is there? Repugnant, abhorrent, and worse
There should be a law that a parent must produce their child within an hour.
I have a really hard time believing that Alex Cox died of natural causes at such a young age when all of the other natural/accidental deaths surrounding these two have ended up actually being murder. Especially since he was freaking out about being the "fall guy" and learned about Tammy's exhumation right before his death.
You ever wonder , if the reason Alex is smiling in the background is because he knows what's coming .. 💔
Chad and Lori deserve the Epstein treatment.
Lori was a traveling crime scene.
Put Shallow Vallow in a pen with Stauch and Jacqueline West and CANDUS Wells
Who would decline to do an autopsy on a otherwise healthy person??
Who would define the murder of Charles as self defense??
Why would you take zombies to Yellowstone??
Prosecutor was getting annoying with having the detective reading names from all those sticky notes found in back of their vehicle! Were they going to continue " removing' zombies without Alex around?
Dude left his glasses in Hawaii.
Some of THE most disgusting, sickening, POS, (For lack a more vile term) hollow people of the world! I hope you both get yours in prison! Lori had two beautiful children. Poor babies😔 my heart breaks for them.
I can’t fathom how they thought they were just going to live happily ever after. Clearly they aren’t that bright considering they left a digital trail everywhere they went.
Surprisingly few "evil" and "monster" wordings in the comments.
She is utterly repugnant. Imagine putting some ridiculous ideology before the safety and well being of your children. She makes me sick. How could she do this to them?? Her playing the victim now is infuriating.
The pictures of Tylee and JJ are just heartbreaking ❤ you can tell Tylee really loved her little brother
This is almost like Casey Anthony having the time of her life after she killed her little girl…..BUT SHE GOT AWAY MURDER IN FLORIDA.
I think Lori daybell is the ugliest person outside and inside, I don’t see beauty anywhere near her.
I am sure she hates being referred to as Lori Vallow vs Lori Daybell. Is it intentional by prosecution?
I live in Princeville Kauai. Having these evil demons staying here was heartbreaking as Kauai is a very quiet and spiritual island.
They should have a pic of JJ and Tylee in front of her everyday, why should she avoid the horror they caused.???
Look at those 2 delusional bafoons. My God. Sickening
Doesn,t look like a grieving mother to me,or a grieving husband.
Are we going to get to see these videos at any point?
Why is this not live
This situation is heartbreaking. I can't help but think about couples trying to have children and can't. This woman was blessed to be a mother 😢💔
They are definitely evil people.
The photos of them in Hawaii having a ball. After murdering her children and others. So sickening.