Details Surrounding Teen’s Murder Remain A Mystery – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

Details Surrounding Teen’s Murder Remain A Mystery – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

Honey Malone was found dead in an apartment from an apparent home invasion.

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38 thoughts on “Details Surrounding Teen’s Murder Remain A Mystery – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

  1. Kids don't need to be hanging around with losers like "rappers" AKA drug dealers. Kids don't need to be going out at night. Kids need a strong father at home to give some real guidance. Most of these lost kids just don't have any real rules enforced and unfortunately some have to find out the hard way. RIP young lady.

  2. First of all, why should anyone feel sorry for someone who has friends like that? Clearly if you hang around anyone who messes with drugs, then you’re just as guilty as them.

  3. So, half-caste teen, black father AWOL, murdered. Ok, every white girl that gets murdered on CWD is killed by a black male, so, this girl, killed by a white ir half-caste male? Nope… killed by blacks. Weird. Almost as if…

  4. How fucking dare. The detective's " If you associate yourself with friends like that, you can be brought down. As if, innocent people with "innocent" friends aren't brought down all the time. His entire interview sounds like victim blaming…….hope he isn't the only one responsible for solving it…..

  5. How is it drug deal gon bad n she seen to mukh if she was the only person killed 😕. So who told them that it was a robbery gon bad probability had something to do with it 🤔

  6. One of the few times the victim is actually beautiful and it's not acknowledged like it is in the videos with them plain face white women who are called beautiful the entire video

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