Dr. Howard Schneider of Jacksonville, Florida is accused of sadistic, serial child abuse for intentionally inflicting pain on his child patients. Prosecutors are accusing him of committing fraud. Many of his patients are disabled and low-income, and he is accused of doing unnecessary work to milk Medicaid out of millions of dollars. Crime Watch Daily’s Ana Garcia speaks with mother Sherraine Christopher, who filmed her son screaming during a dental procedure. Garcia also interviews a deaf couple whose son Dominic Balser claimed the doctor choked him. Balser said he was screaming at the doctor’s office and that his mother couldn’t hear him.
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Look Schneider might have had dementia dementia might hav been a factor in this case.
What's Chris Hansen doing here? Dr. Schneider isn't a sexual predator.
This dentist took all of my teeth and yes he is evil
If that kid was screaming for 10 minutes straight and the mom did nothing but video why don’t you go help your son instead of filming him screaming in the dentist office
Absolutely no one would be abused in the dentist of Florida
I’m sorry is that little boy strapped down?😰
yea abuse aside dude is operating on the wrong teeth yanking out healthy teeth just for fun and leaving the ones he should be taking.. if nothing else thats completely incompetent .. how was he allowed to continue
You Know Who Else Has Dementia?
So this man committed fraud on medicaid and torture little kids! There is evidence but there is NO consequences for him! There is NO way that is justice! But ofc these people always pull the dementia card.
I feel sorry for a the little ones and their families 🙏 may ya' heel and get blessed.
So if you heard your child screaming in pain because of stupid dentist would you rather see him behind bars or see him dead which one would you choose
Yo for real why would that little three year old boy have even one single decaying tooth in the first place? Stop letting kids drink soda and juice
I would beat tf out of this man if he did this to my child. Him, his wife, his staff. I’d give 0 flying duck quacks about getting a few assault charges. These parents are weak.
Well I’m glad I didn’t have a dentist like this
One of my boys was 5 when this monster hurt him. This so called dentist is lucky that I did not end him.
child screaming in pain while being strapped down
Edit: I know she was recording to use it against him but she stood there too long letting the kid scream.
No the judge should hold the dentist with out bond
That was years ago I don't remeber
Im Lucky that i dont live in Jacksonville
Oh nooooooooo. 😰😰
SMH Florida
No JUSTICE for POOR PEOPLE. It is up to us how to find a solution.
This man needs to go to prison regardless of his age or mental state. He traumatized a bunch of children including me. I'm in my 20s now and I still remember how fearful he made me of dentists. I remember I was strapped in one of those red things in the chair too and woke up midway through the procedure. I also asked him could I see my mom and he told me no and to shut up. But good job justice system lmao you really did your job here
Dexter is real. I knew it.
everyone: put him in bars
me: i want him in a grave and then in hell and his tooth pulled out
He needs a hit put on him TBH
That man needs to be fired or arrested for torturing kids because he has one job to do this
It's a good thing his wife divorce him and luckily he got killed those kids must be dealing with a lot of trauma from a single person 🙁
0:12 going to the dentist is hard under 18, but this? Even worse than hell.
Schindler if ur watching this I hope u go to hell
Ok, I ain’t going to the dentist again…….
Do that here in Texas and you get one decade in prison
If i have a son i will never give my son to him
Fuck that all that screaming you as a parent you should've known something was wrong and stopped it IMMEDIATELY !!!