Daughter of Special Needs Child Killer Rita Pangalangan Speaks Out After Conviction

Daughter of Special Needs Child Killer Rita Pangalangan Speaks Out After Conviction

The daughter of Rita Pangalangan spoke to the Law&Crime Network about her mother’s recent murder conviction in the death of her 13-year-old special needs daughter, Cristina Pangalangan. The South Carolina woman was found guilty of killing Cristina by locking her in a hot car for over 5 hours on a hot day in August 2019.

#MurderTrial #RitaPangalangan #LawAndCrime

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39 thoughts on “Daughter of Special Needs Child Killer Rita Pangalangan Speaks Out After Conviction

  1. Hahaha that lady has not been sober her whole life! She has obviously had some substance abuse. All the times she just dumped her child with babysitters for many hours, even days? Yeah right! Also her boyfriend was a total tweaker, and she has been sober her whole life??? Gtfoh

  2. At certain ages and void of any handicap, I feel it’s not a matter of neglect to leave a “child” in a heated and/or air conditioned car. As long as it’s for a short period not 5-6 hours!

  3. This family is so diluted. The roommate is the ONLY one with any sense at all and described just how neglected and unloved this child had been for the last 3 months of her life. The other daughter had the audacity to say, "I don't care about the facts! My little sister is no longer here!" Wtf do you mean? The FACTS are the VERY reason that she's not."Locked" 6 hours in car when there's a key in the fob the whole time. In the interrogation room she was recorded saying "she was just getting too big". She was starving her because she was too heavy to carry… smh. RIP Christina. Fly so so high beautiful girl ❤

  4. This woman makes me want to vomit. Talk about DENIAL. Disgusting. Your mommy didn’t recently start using drugs. She made the decision to use and she allowed that poor little to smother to death. Pathetic.

  5. Yea ..Ashley u left your little babies in the hot car too while u was shopping in Walmart. A month after your mom was convicted…you also was arrested. Didn't u learn anything when your mom was convicted.
    And accident leaving your non verbal daughter in car 6 hours.. so what was wrong with your mom that she left her daughter in the car alone alot? I watched the trial and she left her several times in car and thought nothing of it…

  6. Man, I just found she's somewhat related but not by blood. I literally just found out. I heard this story in GA but had no clue until my cousin told me it was her. I'm honestly… not shocked. She's a crackhead and trash. I know who she is and where Rita came from. I have some horrible family members. He daughter did the exact same thing after her mom did it

  7. That verbal daughter Ashley speaks of was 7 years old left with a nine month old baby. Yes the car was on with the AC blowing warm air, 91 degrees outside. Law enforcement had been called and were on scene for 15 minutes before she came outside. Thought I would tell the whole story since she didn't and the reporter surely knew but decided not to call her out on it🙄
    Edited to add: Ashley received 1 year in jail and one year on probation, she does not have custody of her children.

  8. This whole family is nasty and that poor little girl didn't stand a chance. Not only was her own mother abusive but her adult sister didn't seem to care either. So sad and disgusting

  9. The Apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree, and this woman is a prime example of that. She’s seriously going to defend her meth-head mother for leaving her disabled sister in a hot car for 6 hours unattended?! This woman needs CPS called on her too before her own kids die in the same fashion.

  10. Yeah, im kind pf shocked shes focusing on the drug angle. It doesnt matter. Shes not on trial for taking it and in her interrogation she said larry told her it wpuld help her stay awake. So doesnt sound involuntary. But regardless its about major neglect!!! And the babysitter said she took off for a whole weekend with no food in the house and told a potential babysitter she could leave her in the car bc she does it all the time.

  11. And its BS she was taking meth EVERY weekend. If it was a 1 off & her 1st time. That sure don't add with witnesses have seen her spiked. Plus having that level in her system 1st time she wouldn't be walking & talking way she was.

  12. Wtf "special guest" Ashley Panalangan was charged with leaving her own kids in a hot car only ONE WEEK after Ritas arrest! Luckily her kids didn't die but to do that a week after the arrest, when you're sister just died that way is beyond screwed up. I don't believe for a min this wasn't on Ritas pt 1st deg murder & planned throwing Larry under bus. He legit was out his mind on meth & prob no track of time. But in reality he was in his house, Rita was asked to leave. Sure he should've done more when realised. But under influence sadly didn't. But…I truly believe & evidence shows she both didn't want the responsibility, & it showed. The video of her going out to car, looking in it over an hour later, even sitting in the car. Christina had to be in distress then no amount of drugs would stop that. I tot agree with what the Cop said to Larry, she meant it & made sure he put her in the car. To be free of responsibility & he takes the wrap. So while he prob should've got way less time. She should've been on trial 1st deg murder.

  13. She said, they believed the car to be on ….. WHAT! They left her in a car for over 5 hours! Even if the car was on, this speaks volumes as to what they actually thought of that little girl.
    Nobody leaves someone trapped in a car for 5 hours. They did this in the middle of summer! That’s murder.

    I thought Larry was Rita’s toy boy, I didn’t realise she was 54! She looks 74. Looking at the arrest photo to now, she’s aged incredibly. Just goes to show how bad stress is on the body.

  14. They didn't call her to testify because she got arrested 3 weeks after Cristina was killed for leaving her kids in the car alone at Walmart… AFTER the death. And they are still trying to justify it. Sickening

  15. If the jury could have just hugged her….they would forget she left her special needs, non-verbal child in a hot car until she died?? This lady is where she belongs. I feel like the daughters are kind of ok with their sister being gone. They care more about their mom going to jail then their sisters horrific death. Pathetic.

  16. She wasn't on drugs, so what was the reason leaving Christina, with a babysitter for a few hrs. But returned 2 days later, ready to go partying again, since this happened next day. So she was spiked with enough for 3 day long min. Not a chance. A gm & half, would've had huge effects / OD on someone nvr taken it.
    She was more upset about being called a drug user, & sentence than anything else.

  17. The boyfriend put the child in the car, they both knew the child was in the car and there was no air conditioner running. The daughters need to understand that the ruling is not out their feelings. Im sick of people who lack accountability.

  18. It seems she was locked inside the car by accident BUT (and its a giant but) the choices of the two afults definitely extended the time the child spent inside the vehicle for an extreme/unimaginable amount of time. I understand why the wird "accident" was used to explain the initial act if being locked inside the car.

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