A gruesome mystery washes ashore from the mighty Mississippi River, leaving the chilling imprint in the sand of a headless body. It’s a jigsaw puzzle made of flesh and bone.
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A gruesome mystery washes ashore from the mighty Mississippi River, leaving the chilling imprint in the sand of a headless body. It’s a jigsaw puzzle made of flesh and bone.
Check your local listings at CrimeWatchDaily.com.
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I hope they get their karma. I hope and pray they tortured for all eternity and suffer most excruciating ongoing pain possible.
7:06 – Lawrence Talbot hairline
I have friends who stripped for a living and we're not hoes. I also have friends who are not strippers but could be considered hoes. Most of the disgusting comments are from men because their perspective of women is just that, if you are a stripper, you're automatically a hoe and they should and will treat you as such. Most of the men making their comments are most likely single and probably are pretty shitty in relationships. I would bet if asked, they have never been the reason for a breakup. There are good men out there, they're usually not the ones making nasty comments on social media.
That’s just sad she didn’t even know she out herself in danger these humans are evil
And you didn't call the cops great niehbor
Have you ever thought about the family of this victim obviously not showing parts of her dismembered body this is so gruesome how dare you
The state of his septum… coke is an evil drug.
This is one of the most senseless and disturbing murders I've ever heard of… 😬 There was literally no reason at all, she was innocent and you ruined so many lives.
This is very sad. Her poor Daughter. I hope her soul is at peace
the reporter is drop dead gorgeous.
That’s so sick !!! How can a human do this to another human being the couple looks like there crazy did they not think they were getting caught !? Hello there cameras !!! Y’all were seen last with her they killed that women for no reason !!! There has to be more victims!! May that poor women RIP. May that coupled burn in hell and they get there ass beat in prison I hate when people try to put god in a situation to justify it like no you we’re made by the devil !
Yes I’m just doing a good good morning I will see
She should have gotten the same sentence as him. #FemalePrivilege
She lived a dangerous life with murderous people, but bad no brains to understsnd that, and she died. Her "beautiful little girl", what will happen to her when she grows up, who can tell?
Number one rule ladies- NEVER GO ALONE I know the money is important but you must remember how many evil people there are in the world. They target girls in that lifestyle because they feel they are easier prey :(. I'm sorry for the loss for her family
جزاكم الله خيرا
آللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين
لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير
لا اله الا أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين
إستغفر آلله العظيم رب العرش العظيم و اتوب اليه
سبحان آلله و الحمد لله و لا اله الا الله وآلله اكبر و لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم
سبحان آلله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم
الله يرحمها ويغفر لها و يسكنها الفردوس الأعلى من الجنة بفضل الله و رحمته و مغفرته و جوده و كرمه سبحانه وتعالى
Poor little girl yo, never really going to know what happened to her mom and never going to be able to have a mom😔😟
What a tradgedy 😢 the world is frightening thats for sure .
Poor girl 💔
I'm SO glad they are in jail. They took that poor little girls mummy 😔
They didn't ask her to perform at a bachelor party for 700. They clearly stated that she told someone she was gonna do a threesome. That's prostitution. She wasn't just a dancer. Just pointing out the facts
That girl that murdered her looks like an ugly spazed out turtle head 😳 🐢
Two pieces of shit and I truly hope they rot wherever the fck they are. They took that young mothers life for no damn reason. They took a mother away from a child. A mother who was just doing what she could to support her little family. No reason to be taken away.
With one of those monsters being friends with Zac and Addie became obsessed with the case and then getting with that freak was a recipe for disaster. Just Disgusting.
Pathetic and disgusting useless pieces of meatbags.
Imagine being the neighbors now knowing that a poor girl was being murdered & cut up right around you!😭 also I'm an eclectic witch & this is just sick to me bc i know their are ppl who sacrifice other ppl for rituals! It's disturbing. All evil shall fall!🖤
now give me cannibalism
I just love the sentences in US. Here in UK, he wouldn’t have got more than 10 years, occasionally they give out ‘whole life’ tarrifs, but that’s pretty unusual, the 40 years she got wouldn’t have been more than 5 yrs here and most only serve half the sentence. US gives PROPER sentences, nice one !
That lady, Margaret Sanchez looks crazy. I think she may have killed her "friend."
OMG 2 human beings???!!! They are not human first of all they should not be described as such. No “normal” human being would have such evil in their hearts to do such a calculated thing to another person or animal.
Sickening. It doesn’t matter what kind of dancer she was. She was still a woman, mother, and someone’s family member. Those people were looking for a kill and lured her in. So horrible and she did not deserve that at all. Just disgusting.
True evil exists
where is part 1
2nd degree murder? What the…
Horrible! Dancers need to carry a mini pistol along with a few others.