Dad convicted of murdering daughter, but ‘Baby Kate’ still missing (Pt. 2) – Crime Watch Daily

Dad convicted of murdering daughter, but ‘Baby Kate’ still missing (Pt. 2) – Crime Watch Daily

Sean Phillips, Kate’s father, was convicted of unlawful imprisonment and sentenced to 10-15 years in prison. One year later, he was tried for murder. The verdict is in.


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39 thoughts on “Dad convicted of murdering daughter, but ‘Baby Kate’ still missing (Pt. 2) – Crime Watch Daily

  1. We ain't no goddamn way that that judge had the right to take away capital murder. If you can prove second degree murder you can prove first degree. His story didn't make any fucking sense. You took the kid cuz you were mad she wouldn't get an abortion and you killed it. The whole oh I thought she unbuckled the baby and I was getting the cell phone and I ripped it out and she flew out of the car seat. It shit don't make no sense. For one you knew she didn't unbuckle the kid cuz you took off as soon as she got out of the goddamn car. And for two even if you would have thrown that car seat while the car was moving that's what those car seats are built for. You're full of fucking shit you are a lying ass piece of crap and I hope you rot in hell for what you did. He's just Mad he got caught

  2. Why didn’t he just leave if he didn’t want the responsibility of children like any other dead best parent does? Skip state. It’s hard to get child support charges when they can’t find you. They won’t even go out of the county in the same state to find them even with having their home address on file. Not that I think any of that is okay either, but why murder as the ultimate choice?

  3. I don’t understand, if it was such an accident why didn’t he just say that in the first place PLUS tell people where his daughter is? Like why do all of that. I hope he gets life‼️cause that’s ridiculous

  4. OMG @4:10 look at Baby Kates face…the living image of the father who killed her!
    What kind of cowardly weakness could push a grown man to murder his own infant child? I cant get my head around it.
    Just abandon them, do what millions of men have always done and walk away …why murder her?

  5. The baby was so beautiful and adorable, innocent little angel, but she also looked sad and afraid, as no baby should look. Her eyes were very worried. Terrible to harm a precious infant. Justice that he got life in prison.

  6. I think that the baby was probably crying and he was annoyed with her rather than his phone ringing over and over so he pulled over and yanked her out, killing her in the process (either on purpose or by accident) either way hope he gets what he deserves.

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