A man refuses to get out of his truck when it is being towed. Officers investigate potential gunplay in someone’s backyard.
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Love how quickly this guy went from defiant to helpless marshmallow being pulled from the car.
Cops weren't taking chances because he had a warrant for previously brandishing a GUN. They walk into a charged situation with a dude who has aimed a gun before. You want to stop gun violence, but think the police were aggressors? You can't have it both ways. 10 seconds 2 chances 1 dose of pepper spray. Game over. 0 lessons learned.
Bad Po Po!
I am usually a strong supporter of the police but that seemed a little heavy handed.
His brain should have a Disabled Sticker.
What a waste of time and resources
Do you understand us Stanley?…😂😂
"Pepper spray talks, suspect walks."
40 people showed up to see what was going on. It was a very short show.
After watching many many police videos this seems more like actors following a script. This is not how people act and speak.
OK, Stanley deserved an attitude adjustment, but that cop went from zero to pepper spray and violence in less than 10 seconds.
Cops are acting overly aggressive IMO.
Forgot his medication as always. And looks like he is Blind Mellon Chitlin.
Home boy was not playing he almost immediately sprayed him lol
If you have a warrant, it might be in your best interest to avoid doing things that would attract cops to you.
I'm not a cop hater, but these two were power tripping. Zero deescalation and empathy for someone who should be able to at least make a case as to why his truck shouldn't be towed. Just went straight to throwing a currently nonviolent person to the ground.
There ya go! Shake your naughty finger in the officers face and say I'm not getting out of the car. Brilliant
That Asian guy probably could have gotva lawsuit, no evidence he was breaking the law
I'm a tow truck driver and I've had experiences like this I love seeing what the cops did
It’s sad that the police have to deal with such trash.
Had a child in the E.R. Kept saying he fell on a rock. We find a bb in his eye and story comes out that neighbor shooting kids with BB gun to keep them out of his yard. The neighbor said he would kill him if he told. His mom and dad were with him and the dad ran out. We all knew where he was going. Child now blind in that eye.
Overkill just a bit.
How tall is that frickin cop???