Cops Review Woman’s Accidental Death After Daughter’s Arrest – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Cops Review Woman’s Accidental Death After Daughter’s Arrest – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Her life is like a soap-opera — only a little less believable. Jason Mattera reports on the troubling death of Pam Hupp’s mother – including new toxicology results.

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25 thoughts on “Cops Review Woman’s Accidental Death After Daughter’s Arrest – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

  1. That smug look on her face. “ I’d really hate to say it ….” No remorse, no guilt. Life in prison is nothing to her. She’ll talk her way out of everything in there too. 😡

  2. How did she get away with Betsie's murder AND her money? Bessie's kids got nothing. How did she get away with murdering her mum AND getting her money? Lewis' murder was what got her in the end. Rest in Peace her 3 victims.

  3. Oh April the gossips they will talk ALOT its because they dont keep them selves busy managing their own lives or taking care if their own families. these types have plenty of time to smear an individuals name and these types waste alot of precious time. Why not get a life and focus on your own family dont gossip and spread malicious lies to smear the life of an individual you dont know and will never have the pleasure to meet. 🎉

  4. So she has a best friend and she kills her. She has a good enough mother and kills her. She uses a man with dis-capacity and she uses him and kills him with no remorse.

  5. It is disgusting that they framed this poor man and believed that demon.
    However, the truth ALWAYS comes out, it may be overdue but karma always comes back. I guarantee Russ and his family have been given a decent settlement for the hell they put him through. He has his beautiful daughters and family who love him and will live the rest of their lives together. Hupp however will have anything but, prison won't be kind to an entitled white woman a God complex.

  6. She almost got away with it.
    That is a very alarming thing when it comes to a judge and a jury.
    A lot of innocent people are doing time in us prison because of this.
    If you can talk, you will get away 9 times out of 10. Im discussed!

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