Multiple men are arrested after trying to run from Kansas City cops. Plus, a hysterical woman attempts to take off from the scene of an accident.
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Why they just walk onto private property and start trying to make arrests…? Strange..
Why they just walk onto private property and start trying to make arrests…? Strange..
That first scenario seemed staged. Cops arent gonna let the man go back in the house 1st off. Then look at the 3 stooges guy w that haircut he looks like a actor implanted on show. Just dosent seem real. If this is 💯 then jus wow !!! Drugs make people so awful. Cant people just use something to bring them selfs better not to abuse and make a looser of yourself
Telling the suspect who turned them in, are they supposed to do that?
The cop is the only one I saw commit a crime here.
Harassing people for reason reason that's the Independence Police department right there
Oh, my God, you definitely cannot. You cannot tell me that that is not Trevor Phillips from GTA in real life. Oh, my God, this is crazy. He should cosplay way as him on the middle of a corner and see how much money before the psych oomes to get some of the cops, LOL.
Whoowhee! Those 3 skinny guys remind me of, "Deliverance" 🎻🎻 (dueling banjos) Lol
"Why are you so skinny man?" Short for "Why you smokin meth man?"
1:51 dueling hairlines!
Thats harassment
I hate goofy nerd cops like this… loser in high school , takes it out on the public
Some of us humans like the drink too much, god help us. I love to drink way too much.
That dude is definitely on meth he only used marijuana 15 times lmao right 😂
Wow that first segment was just beyond unlawful…
Accountability! I wasn't driving! My cousin! Who lives with my grandma! Pathetic! Same old song! From these losers!
"Jessica, my cousin's ex girlfriend…" Sounds like "Billy". That's who my Mom blamed everything we kids did after we all denied it. "So none of YOU did it? It must have been Billy again! When I catch him he's gonna get it!" LOL But she always knew who REALLY did whatever it was and we got extra punishment for lying.
meth heads yooooo😂
are they not allowed to be out on a side street? they weren’t jumping into traffic
Trash cops
Unlawful detention, followed by unlawful use of force and arrest
Unlawful detention right off the get go.
That escalated quickly I feel like. One second its the cop: “Oh look at this mess in the garage.” To “I got a foot chase in the forest!!!”
So I am struggling hard to merely support me and mine and the ALSO supporting these waste cases in their useless lives. Disgusting….
I love the drug addict clean up in Missouri to the Amy the lady that thinks her friend has a wizard named Jessica in Texas. I'm glad the biker made it out ok.
Like drinking water with a fork.
Look it’s my neighbors!!
Breaking bad heroes))
People are on meth. Government gives them room and board then they steal from citizens for drug money.
house is totally trash 🗑️🚮
Look at this cop violating there rights..had no reason to ask there names or pat them down…all for being out in public!!
Used to love watching these back in the day even before I watched bad boys movies lol these are quality fkn real life 👌 and love watching them as much in 2023 😊
PS: the cop looks like Quentin Tarantino 😂 3:55
I need to get to Amarillo by morning. I’m coming up from SanAntone
cops harassing people for no reason..BS!
I can forgive the drug use, but the constant habitually weasel like lying. That really sickens me to the core.
God these poor souls have half their brain cells working, or they have serious mental issues due to overuse of illicit substances or where just born that way.
Looks like a scene from a zombie movie…
6:35 – wow, she is such a liar. She's been screwing up for quite a few years & has a record that's like shoplifting, DWI, public intoxication, trespassing, driving without a license, possession of marijuana – small stuff now, but it will escalate. She'll end up with a serious drug problem.
Anyone else see all the bed bug bites all over the first guy they arrested? Couldn’t pay me enough to touch these people. Yuck 🤢
Thumbnail looks like me in the morning.
I'm sure they drive UP the property values around there .