One of the men arrested for the murder of Dan Markel recently sat down with investigators and made shocking new claims.
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One of the men arrested for the murder of Dan Markel recently sat down with investigators and made shocking new claims.
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Magbanua car is registered to the father of wendi, but the father is not involved oh come on
From Latin king to king of snitches 😂
5:40 Charlie Addison threatens to call the police on the reporter! (But, his defense wanted us to believe that he could not denounce "he was being extorted" by Magbanua's friends. Really?!)
Imagine living life in peace aka without lawyers.
Was w wearing the owl t-shirt when they saw her walking that day before?
Wow, you have been on top of this since the beginning. New sub here.
Sigfredo Garcia's attorney looks like a piece of work himself.
Is this Garcia's attorney or the Adelson's? From how he protects the A's I'd say he was more loyal to them and not his own client Garcia?!
Not so sexy today huh? The entire family WAS involved and were the masterminds behind Dan’s murder… JUSTICE!!
Uncle Charlie and Grandma did it, maybe even Ma and Grampy!
Garcia’s attorney might want to update his comments
This aged well…
I hope the boys grow up and change their names back to Markel… that would such a slap in the face for Wendi
This defence lawyer…😅😅😅😅…I guess he works for the Sopranos and didn't know…😅😅😅
I cant believe how long ago you did this story and we are just now getting a family member convicted.
Sigredo attorney now looks like a jack ass… “He is a dentist and not Sopranos”. Mr Jackass, what do you said now?
I personally think the Adeleson's are way more responsible than the guys that actually drove out there and did the hit. Especially Wendi who was gonna let the hit go down while Dan was walking out the house with the children in tow.
This crime is many ways is so obvious. Anderson’s were not that bright.
Wendi is next. If they don't arrest her, justice won't be done.
What the hell?!? How have they not been charged? The killers exposed them didn’t they?!
I cannot WAIT to see Wendi in a prison jumpsuit
That defense lawyer doesn't seem like he knew how to actually get out of this situation.
4:21 Mr Liar, they did that precisely. They felt superior enough to take Danny’s life to save Wendi’s reputation.
Saam Zangeneh seems a little suspect.
The fact that she tried to erase their father from their memory is absolutely disgusting to me. Changing their last name is the ultimate in disrespect. Unbelievable. Whatever he was to her, he was a good and loving father to those boys. Just gross 🤢 🤮
You don't have to be "The Sopranos" to hire a hitman……just, be a corrupt human being with money, that's IT.
How the get the address
Charlie now convicted and Donna about to be prosecuted… and likely with Wendi to follow…
Omg i just finished watching all 3 of Jeff LaCasse's interviews and he changed my entire opinion on Wendi and the Adelsons
He had the nerve to say he was on probation but he going to commit a murder I would have rather went to jail for probation violation
Well that aged like milk…there's now 4 sentenced and 1 recently arrested fleeing the country…Wendi n Harvey are NEXT. 7 for the price of 1…stupid.
Garcias attorney is one of the worst attorneys I have ever seen!
He said he is a jack boy. No ur not. Ur broke boy and a snitch boy. Nothing about u is a king or gangster 😂
He sounds so stupid. ‘These are dentists, not the Sopranos’. He was right. Grandma Gotti turned out to be Dumb Corleone on all those wiretaps.
What a messed up family .😮
4:21 another slimeball lawyer
This lawyer was terrible