It’s the most notorious murder case in the history of Austin, Texas: Four young girls killed, and their bodies set on fire in a yogurt shop.
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The fact that the Company left the Operation of its Buisiness in the hands of a couple of minors ! Should be Initself a Crime ? Which im pretty Sure the Killers took advantage of knowing the 4 girls Wouldn't be able to put up much Resistance if any at all ! r.i.p. 😢❤🙏
I really want to know what business is the the yogurt shop today
i was in elementary when this happened , it was also my cousin's birthday, monsters do exist and some monsters killed those girls and i doubt you can get a lot of money from a yogurt shop? still…..horrible
Rest In Peace Eliza Thomas
Rest In Peace Amy Ayers
The two men at the table are not going too say it was them if they do get caught one I just hope justice will come for these gorgeous girls and for the families I just hate that this case is unsolved I don't know there are they now but they probably still in Austin Texas or they could be somewhere around the world living the best life but these people who killed these girls badly I have something too say too them one you too will be caught I know even everybody else knows that this case is unsolved but one I really hope justice will come let's make justice come for the girls and for the families once in for all I will pray for justice but they won't share the DNA who's is it? And who kill four innocent girls
The detectives really dropped the ball on this case
Wow! I can't even imagine what those poor girls were feeling in the moment.
If they never get caught, they'll for sure pay it in hell!
I deeply hope they get caught to not only pay in hell but at least pay some of it in prison too!
Extremely young girls to run a shop especially at 11pm ish
I know what you're all thinking, and the word starts with African American.
Boys with trouble…
Maurice Pierce was killed by APD in 2010 for doing some of the same shit that got him arrested for this killing. He was a no good sorry son of a bitch.
Rest in heavenly peace to these beautiful girls may justice be served god will punish whoever did this. May we find answers to this horrible crime
Amy sounds like the kind of person I would be fast friends with, especially her being an animal lover
Im from this area..i was 14..i remember this was horrid.
Can someone tell me what she meant austin lost his innocense?
Why do they think it was committed by multiple perps? It would be hard to find TWO guys this evil on the whole planet, much less to get them together at the same time. One guy with a guy could easily control 4 little girls; have one of them tie the others up, etc. They did find DNA for one unknown male. Since it has never turned up in Codis, perhaps karma already got him.
Omg sad
I can’t imagine being a parent and having to deal with that
This will never be solved unfortunately. All the evidence was either destroyed by fire or by water.
Why would they stack up bodies? Aren't ritualistic elements part of some serial killers' mo?
Amy should have pretended to be dead until the killers left
Was a bad time for my home town. Bring aqua fest back ACL sucks
I live in Austin i was 1 years old when this happened…it’s hard watching…hopefully the families get justice
"The night Austin lost its innocence".
That's a bit overly dramatic. It's not like this was the first major crime that ever happened in the city of Austin.
Poor girls.