According to a woman who went to the Daybell family’s church, in February 2019, Chad told her he had a vision his late wife’s time on earth was coming to an end, and he didn’t see her living past the age of 50. Both Chad and his current wife, Lori Vallow Daybell, are accused of murdering his late wife, Tammy Daybell, and Lori’s two kids, Tylee Ryan and J.J. Vallow.
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Why on god's green earth would rexburg idaho be the new Jerusalem? Why not any part of California? Why would the 144,000 live in a tent city that has 7 months of winter frozen ground?
I didnt du nuthin 🤣
Tammy was way too good for that loser husband of hers
So according to Chad, Tammy hated doctors SO MUCH that even if she started having seizures, she wouldn’t go. She probably did avoid going to the doctor and tried to handle what she could on her own, but she was on prescription medication for her depression and on pain meds for her wrist. So it seems to me like if it was something serious, she’d see a doctor. Seizures out of nowhere would be a lot more terrifying than a sprained wrist from a fall. You really mean to tell me that she started having seizures and chose not to see a doctor? It’s unbelievable. If she hadn’t seen a doctor at all for a decade regardless of the illness/injury, okay MAYBE, but even then I feel like most reasonable people would make an exception if they started having seizures.
And yet know One came Forward and tried to reach Tami
diese beiden rücksichtslosen Verbrecher, die noch dazu Religion missbrauchen um die EIGENEN BEGIERDEN über jedes unbequeme andere Leben zu erheben, gehören zu den widerlichsten Menschen überhaupt. ABSCHAUM
I believe that "pink foam" was blood from biting her tongue as he smothered her.
I Wonder, if he had ever told Tammy about this ‚vision‘.
I can't wait until Lori's mother takes the stand and the bullsht lies she told about speaking to JJ when infact he was already dead ?
I too had a vision! He and Lori will spend the rest of their lives in prison 🙄
Wow his visions align perfectly with his extra marital affair with Lori. Isn't that super-duper perfect timing? He has a vision of an early death and then she ends up dying two weeks before he and Lori married. Wow! What a visionary! Or maybe he had a vision and helped the vision along a little bit. Just a teensy weensy little pressure from a pillow or a knee to the chest. Just a little.
Sounds to me like Tammy was drugged, that explains her throwing up.
Chad would have been on loris hit list once she got bored with him
اللهم اهدني وعصاه الأنس والجن وكل الذريات ❤❤❤❤ دعاء لهدايتك والعالم احفظها وانشرها لتأخذ ثواب هدايتهم واعمالهم الصالحه ❤❤❤❤
BS. Chad Daybell wanted to get rid of his wife and get with Lori because she's cuter.
So either Al or Chad held her down while the other smothered her?
Alex had pink foam too. I swear they were both poisoned with malachite. It doesn't show up unless you specifically test for it. It causes pulminary embolism which Tammy and Alex both had. Chad referred to Malachite as "healing balm" for zombies. And the only way to heal a zombie…. well you know. Chad couls have held her down and forced her to ingest or breath it in in dust form.
Chad is a Complete Narcissist, with "Small Man Syndrome."‼️
The BS he fed these people, &. they unfortunately bought it.
So many Lives are now Destroyed, forever.😞
I don't know why this case could not be shown in public we should have a right to see every thing like we were sitting in court and she isn't special that no one can see any of the courts trial it just wasn't right nor fair , we would of liked to see how the express were dong on the face of Lori and that would of been great how bad she is hated a lot just like Casey Anthony i do hope they both will get the death penalty but I don't know what they have in that state
Gigi, I’m so proud of you! You look beautiful. You sound like you have been doing this your whole life! So confident. So intelligent. Keep it up!
I'm sure he had visions to get Tammy out of the way and others. Sounds like the death penalty to me !!!!
This sends me back to Casey Anthony, her daughter was buried in her neighborhood pet cemetery. I sure hope Lori doesn't get away with it, Casey did.
Chad and lori..both ugly hags
Lori looks like and old HAG
Wait Tammy had a daughter that died recently before her? Did I hear that right? I hope they look into that death more. Also how soon before Tammy's death did Chad have this so called vision she would die young?
I very surprised that Lori did try to go after Mrs Kay. I'm glad hod was with Kay and her husband threw all of this but it does surprise me she didn't try. As for poor Tammy. I think it's awful funny that's the exact same way Alex passed away
Justice for Chad, Joe, Tammy, JJ, Tylee and How many others
chad looks like hank hill from king of the hill.
He was already laying the foundation then. If that isn’t premeditation I don’t know what is.
I think he rolled her over face down, straddled her pinning her arms down with his knees, then pressed her head into the pillow as hard as he could. She wouldn’t have been able to make much sound and screaming is hard when you’re struggling to breathe. I don’t think Garth heard a thing.
Weird bc I had a vision that Chad & Lori went to prison 😒
Pure bullsh*t! He never had no such a thing he planned on doing away with her that’s all.She choked to death that night. No one else but him there. He had to have killed her. Everyone with any common sense knows that fact.Bruises on her arms where he held her arms down with his knees and smothered her to death with a pillow probably. He pinned her down with his knees and killed her. She struggled so hard to get her breath it caused her to bring up that stuff up out of her lungs. That poor woman and how scared her last few minutes where. He deserves the death penalty.
GiGi she's awesome