Car Of Missing Mother Found Burning In A Field – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 3)

Car Of Missing Mother Found Burning In A Field – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 3)

A Tennessee mother/teacher named Shelley Mook went missing, and her ex-husband Tyler Mook was a suspect in her disappearance. After Mook went missing, her car was found burning in a field. Crime Watch Daily’s Michelle Sigona speaks with Mook’s friend Brittany Brooks, journalist Traciy Curry-Reyes, and private investigator Kevin Keele about Mook’s disappearance. Sigona also talks to Robin Doneth, the woman who dated Tyler Mook after he broke up with Shelley.

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45 thoughts on “Car Of Missing Mother Found Burning In A Field – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 3)

  1. Im so glad she had him arrested. I feel so bad for her. She must have been terrified, what a monster to try and drowned her. He was going to play it off as an accident I guarantee. I'm also glad his brother was aan and didn't defend him and saved her.

  2. I don’t like to watch the crime a police don’t do nothing about it I mean literally he is the one kill her and why they don’t do nothing about it why are they giving the killer a chance to do something else

  3. Does anybody else pause the video to get on Facebook and search for these people or is it just me??? I sent Robin Doneth a friend request because her page is private😩😭

  4. Why would this dummy (Robin) get on the boat after finding out Tyler's real identity and all his past on the internet??? 🙄
    And mom, the enabler, who bonded Tyler out. 🙄 Everyone talks about mothers loving their kids, but most mothers are just enablers. I would say like 99.9% of mothers out there. Shame on you all!

  5. Thank FUCK the brother Andrew wasn't as cracked and controlled as the parents. The father AND mother both just bonding him out of jail and trying to neutralize his disgusting acts. All 3 of them need to be hung, and Andrew needs someone to make sure his mental health is okay after living in that household.

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