A Tennessee mother/teacher named Shelley Mook went missing, and her ex-husband Tyler Mook was a suspect in her disappearance. After Mook went missing, her car was found burning in a field. Crime Watch Daily’s Michelle Sigona speaks with Mook’s friend Brittany Brooks, journalist Traciy Curry-Reyes, and private investigator Kevin Keele about Mook’s disappearance.
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why would he call back n ask ? lol shows intent dumb dumb …. coulda said mayve hypotheticals or maybe a different case who knows … but u calling back shows intent like you’re trying to hide something. not to bright
Butt dialed 911 what a 🤡 Just thinking of him and his dad probably pooping their pants when they realized. He needs to be on worlds dumbest criminals , the fact he’s not arrested is sickening
How to get away with murder. Plead the fifth
Such a shame that rat killed such a good loving mother
Wow ‘pleading the fifth’ involves a lot of words 😂 in the UK, we can just say ‘no comment’ not ‘on the grounds of the…’ 🤔
He didn’t have sex with her. He RAPED her. But he can’t distinguish from both.
Plz stop saying she vanished into thin air. No she was murdered. She engaged and trusted a monster. Period
WOW! How DISGUSTING AND CHILDISH. He Totally Ruined this episode for me.
He is guilty
Damn, what did she ever see in that snake. His attitude is nasty, there is no way I would ever be with someone like that.
Sounds like his dad may have helped him. How dare him even act like he's innocent
NOOOOO!! Once you answer one question you no longer can take the fifth!!! Unless THAT has been changed also!!
I sure hope shellys family got custody of the sweet baby girl 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Crime Watch wanted it to be the maintenance man soooo bad😩😭
She was my middle school teacher at Harris this is so sad
Did you have sex? Yes. What time? On the advice of………………………… 5th amendment. Dummy, LMFAO.
Fucking scumbag he murdered that woman hope you rot in hell
Lilianna is such a brave little girl. I'm 18 and I can't imagine my dad giving me matches and asking me to help burn my grandmother's house down.
As a victim of domestic violence. The cops defend male abusers I did everything call cops trying to save myself Not once was that monster arrested even the judges defended him. A person that has several personalities and only shows the evil to his victim. Sorry I misspell I suffer everyday and nothing will ever get done until he kills me and even after that he will torture someone else A criminal repeats his crimes
what is wrong with men these days? abuser and domestic violence, WTF is WRONG with you? are you that WEEK that you have to attack mothers of your children, wives that you swear to love and protect, what a p…ies .tw..s cowards, go and have a round with Tyson you week insecure cowards! these men are clearly lacking brain CELLs, obviously!
You can actually see the cold evilness in his creepy eyes!
That detective is handsome AF… Bet he's a bear.
3:15 😩 Smokey eye and a Red Lip? Um ummm No boo. That's not it.. I couldn't even hear what was going on. 😂