A Tennessee mother/teacher named Shelley Mook went missing, and her ex-husband Tyler Mook was a suspect in her disappearance. After Mook went missing, her car was found burning in a field. Crime Watch Daily’s Michelle Sigona speaks with Mook’s friend Brittany Brooks, journalist Traciy Curry-Reyes, and private investigator Kevin Keele about Mook’s disappearance.
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Why do the interviewer and the sister look so freakishly alike? 😅 Damn.
The reporters always amaze when they say "he/she didn't have an ememy in the world or she was loved by everyone. " If this was true, she wouldn't be missing/dead. I think everybody has an enemy.
Brittny has a big nose not to be rude
Lmfao good looking, I see Pee Wee Herman
Always the unhealthy long term obsessive high school significant other
His parents are my grandparents neighbors
is she dead
I rather be a bitc*** everybody who got kill, tread or disappear in this show is a nice, easy going, loved by everyone person…. 😉
He was not good looking 😠.
No disrespect but when someone dies, suddenly, "everybody loved them." Evidently not.
That hideous, skull-mask, grinning face keeps popping up. I’m afraid to watch this video. That face…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7VA83Z01YQ – Dr Phil March 6th 2019 Where Is Kyron Horman? What does stepmother Terri Horman know? (it's available as from 06th March 2019, but who knows for how long? – hurry!)
Oh dear God, I'm running out of episodes to watch. Plz make more.
Butt dialing will be the death of us all…but butt dialing 911? XD I'm sorry that's just amazing.
“Oh he was good looking” …. WHERE 😂
Damn. Redheads really don’t turn grey as quick as others
It looked like a car skeleton, hmm like a car frame?
How are they high school sweethearts when he's 6 years older….? Also what a creep!
Where is this bitches eyebrows???
"oh he was goood lookin'"*camera zooms in on pic of him*..bitchh where
👀 brow?
She looks like jeffree Star.
BuuummnBoom Boom you'll never find an eyebrow like mine 😎😂😂😂😂😂👀🕴