Bryan Kohberger Silently Pleads Not Guilty as Shocking Revelations Surface in Idaho Murders Case

Bryan Kohberger Silently Pleads Not Guilty as Shocking Revelations Surface in Idaho Murders Case

Bryan Kohberger was arraigned in court Monday and pleaded not guilty by “standing silent” when the judge asked for his plea. Kohberger, who’s accused of brutally killing four University of Idaho students, appeared to firmly understand the charges at hand, including the possibility of receiving the death penalty if found guilty of the murders. Plus, new revelations about the accused student killer’s behavior after the murders have surfaced. The Law&Crime Network’s Jesse Weber and Angenette Levy, who was inside the courtroom at Kohberger’s hearing, break down the arraignment and new revelations with famed Johnny Depp attorney Ben Chew.

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41 thoughts on “Bryan Kohberger Silently Pleads Not Guilty as Shocking Revelations Surface in Idaho Murders Case

  1. People, I listened to Scott Reisch's show (program) on utube tonight 12/12/24 he was reading paperwork from defendant's atty and thinks defendant may have plead guilty before he got to Idaho when he was returning from his home in PA. There is redacted wording that may indicate so. Suggest you all listen to his show, it makes this pleading business so much more clear-I am not Atty.

  2. wait the judge is actually called John Judge …? what are the odds LOL also putting a monetory sum on lives snuffed out is perverse , 240 thousand and 20 000 to each of the victims families , like this is what your kids lives are worth .-(((

  3. There is so much evidence. He will either get the death penalty or life in prison. Either way his days of killing innocent people are over and his life will not be spent paying for his crimes.

  4. ..this case is a jumbled mess..there's a lot of questions that they can't answer,missing details especially to the 2 survivors who is very suspicious they notify the students first before the authoritie and this is a big crime.

  5. Dude is kinds odd. Guys who come off odd, weird, or creepy even though they might be saints should be very careful about taking the stand cause the jury won't have enough time to become familiar with the defendant.

  6. If a dude was actually smart he wouldn't have driven to the area except for the one time and his phone would have stayed on being charged on his nightstand playing a thunderstorm sleep video on YouTube instead of putting it in aeroplane mode after starting towards the victim's area.

  7. He didn’t silently plead anything. He remained silent and a not guilty plea was entered for him. You’d think a channel called Law&Crime could get that correct.

  8. This guy thinks he's so sma😢rt going to school for a PhD in criminal justice….😂 He's funny he wants to be exonerated with his """PHD"'' 😂😂HE DESTROYED THE FAMILY NAME FOR ABOUT THE NEXT HUNDRED YEARS…..👍 GOOD JOB 👍What a """'Sick SOB"""

  9. I wish the family of Kaylee would have stood up and addressed the court immediately when the name was mispronounced. I’m sure they would’ve corrected it right away… Publicly. And that would show the respect they deserve.

    I cannot begin to imagine the pain that this has caused so many people, especially the parents of those innocent children who were murdered. Their siblings, other family members, friends, community members, etc.

    But my compassion and empathy doesn’t end there. Like a couple of other people have mentioned, it must be horrible for the parents, family members, and friends of the perpetrator. He ruined their lives too. This is not a cap on comparison. This is not one of the other. This does not take away from the primary victims—it expands it and attempts to include more of the negative impact this thoughtless, reckless killer has caused.

    I don’t know how the parents of the murdered children will ever not feel gut-wrenching pain from the loss of their children. I hope when the murderer is brought to justice, they experience some peace. My heart breaks for them and their children.

  10. Ok. So we’re going to convict because his phone had him within 20 miles of the murder house and an Elantra, one of tens of thousands, was allegedly seen in the area. Jessy, sell some more trinkets

  11. For someone who was privy to as much information on specific crimes as he had, he made alot of airhead mistakes, so glad his stupidity paid off.
    I think a suitable punishment should be 1 stab would per day for every wound on the victims… if he's not gone by then, I dunno just keep going I guess… 🤷‍♀️

  12. I look at it this way,if more states would quit backing out of the DEATH PENALTY I promise you alot of this types of crimes go down in my opinion!!!! I'm not saying 100% hands down that's true but I really do think it would!!!!!!

  13. I think the video evidence of his car near the crime scene and the record of his phone pinging in the area many times Can be used by the defense. They can claim that it was not unusual for him to be in the area regularly for any number of reasons. Leisure, shopping, secret randevouz with a drug dealer which would also justify him speeding away that night. Made a buy, heard or saw a witness or LEO, and hauled tail out of the area. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  14. Don’t know why everyone is so confused about who’s DNA was on the sheaf. It’s very simple and since the availability of genealogical databases for people to submit their DNA to trace back their bloodline and family tree or finding lost family members all law enforcement agencies will now run DNA that is found at crime scenes that don’t get hits in their criminal databases. Obviously Bryan’s dad has done this. So they got a hit on the DNA and just followed it from there by process of elimination and got to Bryan and when they got his DNA it was a Match

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