Boy Band Singer Charged With Murder – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

Boy Band Singer Charged With Murder – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

Russell Neal, a member of the band Hi-Five, was charged with the murder of girlfriend and fitness trainer Catherine Martinez, who had stab wounds and blunt force trauma. Crime Watch Daily’s Andrea Isom interviews Martinez’s mom Mary Figueroa, and Martinez’s sisters Emy and Glenda Lewis, about the tragedy. Isom also talks to former Hi-Five road manager Jonathan Kinloch about the band.

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45 thoughts on “Boy Band Singer Charged With Murder – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

  1. He was so jealous because his career failed, and hers was blossoming. He was broke, unpopular, insanely jealous, and he didn't have nothing to lose. She should have never took him back after the first time he hit her. This is what women don't seem to understand…the biggest and first red flag is the first time they hit you….he was a so broken, angry and jealous and he knew she was going places, and he couldn't stand it …he was not going to let her be successful and leave him

  2. Russell was a dangerous Narcissist/Sociopath. Catherine Martinez was not in a relationship it was an ENTANGLEMENT. And they never end well if you stay in one.

  3. I had their music on CD when I was a teenager. My favorite song by Hi-5 was "Unconditional Love"

    "Some people say that I'm just an old fashioned guy,
    But I believe in love, and all that it means,
    I could never say 'no' to anything that you ask,
    And I really hope that you will do the same for me, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
    How far will you go
    It's about trust, and honesty, and that's the way it's supposed to be
    Unconditional love"

    Oh yeah… Sad to know that one of the band members did something this heinous. You don't expect that from one of your famous musicians. That's really sad.

  4. Them: You might know his face
    Me: No, no I don't know

    Them: There's a better chance you know his music
    Me: No, who even is this random dude? Other than being a murderer that I will forget in within 3 seconds.

  5. A beautiful mother and woman. No doubt cherished by her family and friends. The world is probably worse off without this queen in it. This man- actually- I will rephrase that, this waste of human flesh removed this beautiful woman from this planet. He is repulsive on every level imaginable.

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