A 35-year-old Florida mother of four was killed last week after a heated argument with a neighbor she had an ongoing feud with. Fifty-eight-year-old Susan Lorincz stands accused of fatally shooting Ajike “AJ” Owens through her front door when Owens confronted her about an earlier altercation involving her children. The Law&Crime Daily team has the details.
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What world do we live in. She looked up, stand your ground. She bought a gun and took shooting lessons. She took one of the children’s tablets and told the children to get their mom. Then when she came over and asked for it back, she shot her. This is premeditated first degree murder. This is not manslaughter.
What world do we live in. She looked up, stand your ground. She bought a gun and took shooting lessons. She took one of the children’s tablets and told the children to get their mom. Then when she came over and asked for it back, she shot her. This is premeditated first degree murder. This is not manslaughter.
Shooting through a door is such a cowardly thing to do. Straight up murder. Don’t do that.
Tyrant of a woman
It should be murder honestly I don’t understand why it’s manslaughter
I cant stop picturing a mother, trying her damnest to show her kids a good example and do the right thing by knocking on the neighbors door and talking it out. What the F. Lock up this evil murderer
NOT A FUED stop making it seem like the victim did anything to incite this attack.
Protection due to her COMPLECTION PERIOD!!!
She got much worse neighbors now 😳
If i hated my neighbors and were constantly in heated discussions,I'd simply just move!!
Shooting someone through a door is not gonna fly for self defense
I think Dominique might have some connections somewhere. How else is she avoiding charges unless the prosecutors in that county are insanely incompetent. I mean what she did was murder for hire. 9:25
Karen done went too far 😵
Until we have ALL the facts I am going to withhold my initial shock and sadness regarding at her actions. Some of her bizarre behavior could be dementia or Alzheimer's. Both my parents had Alz and can come on quickly or over a period of time and change a person completely. Either way, I am heartbroken for the 4 children who lost their Mum.
Lol everyone knows that mom wasnt there to calmly chat 😂. She was probably screaming & banging on the door threatening her.
That sheriff acts like he's on Saturday Night Live.
Her gunt is yugggge
Either way you don't shoot someone especially infront of kids.
So if i live in a flat, can i shoot someone pasing by, through the door and claim self defence?
can i shoot the post man through the door and claim self defence?
This is another easy case.
This isn't manslaughter. This is murder.
She deserves jail for life.