Bodycam footage shows heavily armed police rescuing a victim from a horrifying hostage situation on March 29. The Albuquerque Police Department said officers engaged in a standoff with 32-year-old Francisco Macias after responding to a 911 call about an alleged assault. Officers successfully apprehended Macias after surrounding him in a residential backyard. Authorities said the victim was unharmed. The Law&Crime Network’s Sierra Gillespie has the details.
Sierra Gillespie:
#Police #Bodycam #LawandCrime
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This man must have been rebellious to his parents when he was a kid
30 plus rounds and you hit his foot ? C'mon man ! Semper fi all
Both charges are 4th degree felonies in NM.
Potential penalties:
False imprisonment: 18 months in prison and/or a $5,000 fine
Aggravated assault with deadly weapon: 18 months in prison and/or a $5,000 fine
We don’t need second by second description of what’s happening!!!!
Another dreamer 😊
36 shots and they only hit him In the foot??? What happened to training officers to AIM????
All you cough operators acting like you could do any better than 36 missed shots at that distance. This isn't Hollywood where people are popping headshots at 20 meters.
So how’s the open border making everything come -up roses? Easy drugs? Excellent work!
You know this is the worst Channel on YouTube when it comes to deleting people's comments. Unbelievable. I said the officers are clowns for spraying stray rounds all over a residential neighborhood and they deleted my comment. This one will probably be gone 30 seconds from now too.
36 rounds and all they hit was his foot?
I hope The United States Army National Guard will Have Bodycams for Aid for their Duty Jobs
Sarah, I don't really think we needed your commenting. We could see what was happening, we're pretty smart.. FYI.
So, why was there an emphasis on the cops being "heavily armed" when they literally have the same gear basically every PD has, which is an AR-15 and pistol
36 shots and you hit his foot im confused
35 missed shots with a hostage!? Excellent marksmanship
You tell us stuff happened but don't actually show it… I'm calling BS on this channel.
Video made by someone that thinks legacy media is awesome. Imagine making a 30 second video last almost 4 minutes. There are hundreds of better channels out there folks. This is trash.
It is really nice to see positive videos of law enforcement. Because there is alot more positive than the negative videos that are posted. Maybe sometime you see a officer say thank you to them .
36 shots and he was shot in the foot? Lol wtf
36 shots with all these officers against one dude who was impaired by drugs? Seriously? They really need to train officers better.
I'm surprised they didn't shoot the victim too.
I love that you show the good and the bad of cops, you don't just show one side.
Thank God we have officers.
OOF lmfao yikes. i mean i guess i can armchair police this situation, if you handed me a gun i would set it gently on the ground. but like… not the storm trooper 35 missed shots and the victim rescued themselves lmaaaao. they did their best folks
Wow, the cops shot at the suspect 36 times they’re great shots. Cops shot at the suspect 36 times but they only struck him once in the big toe HAHAHA 🤪
Thirty six shots, come on guys, really!!
They're arrest him, put to jail, sentnce, and will be release by the 😊"parole board" and reoffend and on and on and on…."BS"! Poor officres that arrested him! They do their jobs and the system jst let them and all tax payers down!!!! No justice!!!
They fired 36 shots and hit him in the foot.
36 rounds and he gets shot in the foot? Somebody needs to go to the range and practice
That’s normal for New Mexico
Well done for not taking a life
This one prevented loss
The Rookie Orginal
Nobody gonna talk about that guy who threw that gun over the fence?
Taxpayers get to foot the insane bill for someone who got released with no charges….smh. That money could have been spent to train these officers how to shoot and CQC procedures. That was a mess. I could see the officers shooting themselves accidentally.
Talk about to many cooks in the kitchen. 5 Officers behind the red car. That's not good. Spread out or get out of the way.
Who are you to censor what I see?? I'm over 70 and I've seen about everything. You will keep getting thumbs down. Wake up and grow up.
36 shots one hit 🎯?
I think…..36 shots? And they got his FOOT? OMG. Pitiful. Lucky for Macias, but pitiful.
New Mexico, your one stop shopping for crimes,criminals and corruption.
Love all the people making fun of the cops in the comments for not killing the guy. WE DON'T WANT COPS TO KILL UNLESS THEY HAVE TO, PEOPLE.
They used non-lethal and a taser to actually take him down. Who's to say the dude didn't shoot himself in the foot when they say he fired shots at the beginning?
36 shots, hit in the foot.. good one guys.
I don't see anyone except the officers.
36 shots and o ly hit in the foot cops need better training meanwhile two neighbors were shot and killed from random bullets