A police cadet trained to kill. But was it an accidental shooting? Or was it cold-blooded murder? Nerissa Knight reports.
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A police cadet trained to kill. But was it an accidental shooting? Or was it cold-blooded murder? Nerissa Knight reports.
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I just don't understand the judicial system!!! If you take a life parole shouldn't even be on the table!! And no amount of time justifies a life taken. If she does all her time, this lady is only going to be 49 years old!!So incredibly sad
She's a freaking killer/murderer 🤔😬😡
So now a man cannot greave the lost of a child without losing his life by the hands of sociopathic woman!
So sad 😔 how humanity has gone a stray!
So sad for that baby
Sad story, from the story she was a bully. A woman who wants to be a police officer they have an aggressive nature. She used her position and training to bully and threatened him with her taxpayers issued weapon. She should stay locked up for as long as possible.
She should’ve walked that guy was in her house and should’ve left when asked !! She’s innocent let her out !!!
One moment. One gun. Two people, one dead. IF you’re going to own guns, be responsible.
Smart kid
I wonder how that poor little boy is doing now.
Be careful men They will kill you and blame you for her doing it
Great documentary except the host ! the way she interviewing you can tell here acting is mouth and eyes moving everything is fake
I wonder if her son is special needs? He doesn't have the typical 4yr old vocabulary and communication skills
My son & my fiancé are both licensed to carry & both have guns. Unfortunately, I have to support it because it’s such a dangerous world.. & black men are targeted in certain areas daily! Even tho we’ve moved to a nice area, we still go to work & we still go see family etc. But.. I hesitate so much with having a gun even tho sometimes I feel like I want one out of fear & working late in the field! I never wanted guns in the house when my children were young! I was too afraid they would somehow get ahold of it. Then, I’m also the one in the house with the most irrational temper. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not what I’d consider violent, but I do have a slight temper. I never ever want to be in a situation where I feel threatened & I misread a situation & kill someone! That wasn’t the case here! She 100% has a bad temper & definitely shouldn’t be on the police force! It’s police like her that ruin the reps of GOOD COPS & good Samaritan’s that are simply armed for protection only! Not to control others & take innocent lives! She didn’t even care that her son was present! She is right where she belongs! Just senseless! Absolutely senseless! My prayers got out to both suffering families & that precious little boy, as I pray some way, somehow.. he can forget this ever happened! Tho I doubt it!💔🕊🙏🏽😔
Sad for both families praying/
Only in America would they use a four year to testify against his own mother. Good luck, kid.
That's so sad…she needs to rot in prison
Mommy fixed Chris alright.
I'm coloring it bleed.😭poor wee babe. Poor Chris.
I'd die If my child had to relive something like this 🙁
shes sick get help
Always interesting to me.. as long as the killer is a woman or a kid.. well then it's a tragedy for BOTH families…
He is are brilliant little boy he could draw are crime scene for the investigation wow
It's a good thing that this "cop" was caught before she got a badge. Imagine what someone like this would do if they had the badge? These are the people hired to "protect" us?
27 years, With potential for only 13 1/2 after cold blooded murder….must be nice being a woman.
I feel more sorry for that little boy than anybody else in this situation for him to know everything and seen everything that happened at that age he's very smart but at the same time I know he will never forget what happened that's sad
People like her are exactly the kind of people that get hired as police officers! Fucking trigger happy and sadistic.
"I just think that if she didn't pick up the gun, none of this would of happened".
Yup, that's how that works….
I'm glad that police have trained people that can question kids who are witnesses.
Poor baby! He's traumatized! I hope he gets help to overcome any damages to his psyche.
Poor kid 🥺
27 years is not enough time for murder.
This poor kid….
That’s where we get our police officers, from any type of jobs to police officers. No prior education needed.