A police cadet trained to kill. But was it an accidental shooting? Or was it cold-blooded murder? Nerissa Knight reports.
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A police cadet trained to kill. But was it an accidental shooting? Or was it cold-blooded murder? Nerissa Knight reports.
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SHE was going to be a cop?? Well she has the lying down, that’s a good start. 🤷♂
The poor guy Chris 😢 Unfortunately it wasn’t going to end well for him anyway, once Claudia became a police officer it would be no time before she’d be sleeping with all the other cops she works with anyway. It’s an age old story that plays out day after day after day in this country.
OMG!!!! She would've made a piss poor officer if she couldn't tell if a mag was in a gun or not! Just the weight alone tells you when it's loaded.
Bye Felicia!!!!! 🤨
Is it me or is she smiling kinda while describing what happened?
What an Evil woman ! …
If you can’t get over a child’s loss with your ex , why the eff you moving on with another female , he clearly wanted both the ex and the girl friend . Abusive asss coward .
The real crime is those crab boils are still sitting there till this day
"You forgot the one in zee chamber" (Steven Crowder"
Correct me if I'm mistaken but I don't think people that kill people, are not in any sort of hurry to get them help, I think once you cross a specific line, there's just no going back
"I just wanted him to leave"
"Leave or Die"
She cnt fa shit
you know whats funny. everytime a woman kills her husband, father or boyfriend, they always have this ready made defence of domestic violence. "ohh he was hitting me. he was trying to rape me. he was molesting me. i protected myself. it was self defence."
no bitch, you executed him. thats why the entry wound is on the back of his head and not in his chest. if he was hitting you, you wouldnt have been so accurate with your shot.
you think people are stupid???
Ugh…..send her to jail
What à.fakedoes.she.believe iT her self
Back of his head? HE WAS NOT A THREAT!!!
he didn’t know what was coming he was probably done started walking away she grabbed the gun and shot him
May mom-daugter b*tches rot in the lowest part of Hellfire
She keeps smirking 😏 👀… The day of my driver's test a little bird flew right into my bumper (I was on the highway)… I cried so much when I hit it and all I could see was its feathers floating 😭… I cried more for that birdie than this cold-hearted clown did for poor Mr. Chris 😥💔🙏.
I wouldn’t want to eat that crab boil either off of that nasty ass stove 🤮
She has no remorse. Like you just killed someone. And she's all cool and calm.🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️
Imagine how many dumb bitches are police
It could have been an innocent civilian killed by her not being fully acquainted with the way guns work.
Any trained police cadet knows u do not point a gun at anyone!!!
Nay. Nay.
If the roles had been reversed you know damn well the man wouldn't be allowed to sit on a love seat with a pillow and a bottle of water.
He'd be sitting on a steel chair, cuffed to the table.
They need to do mental evaluation and crises pressure test on all in police academy so there won’t be any psychopaths cruising the roads with a license to kill
They need to do a mental evaluation and crisis pressure test before they let anyone in police academy so there won’t be a bunch of psychos with a licence to kill cruising the roads
What the hell.. If u r jealous go get a new boyfriend. Why to shoot..
Even if u shoot tell police u did it in self defense.. Stupid girl.. Didn't learn anything
Modern day women can't figure out why good men are focusing on themselves 🥀
"LEaVee, oR DIE!! This narrator tho~
That lady is crazy she still sounds upset he didn’t want to eat her trash crab. She threaten him so he can stay. He showered to get ready to leave why would she point the gun to have to tell him to leave.
She is a liar.
You now cry because you get caught.
Liar kiar.
Why the heck you have to kill him, now you will be spending your time behind bars.
"fuck you and your crab" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Horrible woman. !!!! Should get life in prison and no less than that. Can't imagine the man's family dealing with this. Much love ❤for his family
Investigator: let me talk again…
Idiot: (actually stunned)
This ain't Disneyland sweeeeethaaaaawt.
6:33 her stoopid arse is actually smiling.
He Sexually and/or Physically Abused me!
— says every woman who kill their partner. Even if they don't, their crooked lawyers suggest they say so in the court to gain some bargaining chips.
He was leaving her, thats why he was shot in the back of the head. What a crazy bij
An unloaded gun can't kill someone.
You're right. It can't.. but if you rack one into the chamber and pull the magazine out.. there's still a bullet in it dummy.
It wasn't me, it was my finger!@!!!!!
Jealousy is a horrible motive for murder. Yeah let's celebrate your baby's death by having crab at 11pm. What a selfish self centred egoist. Like I'm too stupid to know when a gun is loaded or not. The police training was sub par. Obviously couldn't bear for him to leave her control. So accidental she forgot to call 911. Yeah sounds like a plan!
She’s such a liar! You can tell she’s not even upset.. she’s talking as if she’s talking about a bad day at work..
Bet you they were arguing about not being together because he was still in love with the girl from high school and when she threatened him about a breakup, he smarted off about being ok with that cuz he was still in love with the high school sweetheart and she just lost it and killed him. Clearly he didn’t wanna be with her because he left work early and went out to dinner instead of going home..
I think she set him up.
Damn my boy died next to his basketball 🏀