A Hawaii man was tased and shot by police after refusing to drop a machete on April 30. “Drop the machete,” the officers said pleading with Nathaniel Naki over and over again. Officers opened fire on Naki after he disobeyed commands to “back the f**k up” and walked towards them. The Law&Crime Network’s Sierra Gillespie has the details.
Sierra Gillespie: https://twitter.com/sierragillespie
#Hawaii #Bodycam #LawAndCrime
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So, I wasted 4:46 seconds watching this. Oh well…🤷🏽♂️
Hey let us show you, but not show you.
Cut the best part this site sucks.
He died in 2023 but his teeth died in the 90’s…
their accents are really cool. awful situation they were put in
I watched all that to not see it???
What a joke,don't even show it.
He thought he would respawn at the hospital obviously
They tried but he insisted on dying.
In my opinion to many times telling to put down the weapon 3 times for me and the clip gets emptied
Dude it’s hawaii. Why everyone mad there?
Sucks for those cops being forced into a no win situation.
Oh how scary 😟
Interesting that after awhile they defaulted into Hawaiian pidgin.
He probably has never seen Indiana Jones. Machete vs. gun won't work well for you.
He could have stole the police car. Oops
Police try to steal mans machete 😂
STUPIDFAKA tink stand like so tough, bring one machete to one gun fight. SOOOstupid bra, u know now.
Why is that officer holding his sidearm tilted gangster style?
simple command. dont follow? you find out the hard way
In older days, authority warned 1 time. Tough luck if you were deaf.
Damn, any of the other 49 states this dude would have been clipped as soon as the machete came out. I feel for ths officer that genuinely don't want to kill anyone but have no choice.
He did this to himself.
When your own family doesn't want you, you're bad.
Oh boy, trouble in paradise.
No tasers?
Way too many chances….
V2k / mkultra
Instead of constantly interrupting the video to narrate it and then replaying parts of ut over and over, just play the damned video from start to finish and THEN talk about it. Or set it up and let it play without interruption.
For people complaining about excessive force, there are multiple officers on scene. One with a non-lethal option and one with a lethal option. Believe it or not but tasers do not work every time. If the taser doesn’t work they resort to lethal force in emergency situations. If both officers had tasers and both of them didn’t work, one or both of them could have died. Do some law enforcement research before you start calling officers murderers or criminals. Everything cops do that may seem weird or excessive, there is a tactical reason behind it.
Meth is a big problem in Hawaii
The officer should be charged with murder
The victim really listened to the screaming cop!!!
Taser him. Don’t shoot him. Why are we using tasers when we shouldn’t and then pulling guns when they should be tasing? That taser has an effective range at that distance. Use common sense guys come on.