Crime Watch Daily Correspondent Jason Mattera reports from Florida with new details on a reclusive money man that both political parties are trying to distance themselves from.
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Crime Watch Daily Correspondent Jason Mattera reports from Florida with new details on a reclusive money man that both political parties are trying to distance themselves from.
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Even more terrifying? Epstein was a teacher..
Can’t believe there isn’t a joke about his egg shaped penis, in the comments yet…….. don’t believe me? Search it on YouTube
I bought the book. I can highly recommend it.–7xUqTawMD5KLjTXi16JNWyhxrm0gsDElGH7TXKow Recarey, meanwhile, said he began to take different routes to and from work, and even switched vehicles because he knew he was being tailed.
Recarey gave a back up of all the tapes to John Dougan who had to flee America.
Florida is big in pedaphiles!
Well well well….
He dead as now. Top kek
How do you let your child go for days??? Did these parents not care because im sure these kids didnt have THAT good of a lie.
Patterson loses all credibility for me. He stands up for Clinton because he co-authored a book with him last year.
Trump was the only one with the stones to overlook his wealth & toss him out
Patterson is a Clinton shill. They wrote a novel together. He has plenty of $$ to lose on that deal if Clinton goes down.
More BS word play… But leaves out how Trump ALSO was the ONLY one that talked to the victims lawyer and the victims lawyer said himself there was nothing untowardly about Trump, he nothing but helpful…. Yet bends over backwards to make excuses for a man that took the Lolita Express TWENTY SIX TIMES….. Let me say that again for the liberal sex offender excusers…. 26 times Clinton took the Lolita Express to Pedo Island…. WTF do you THINK he was doing there, Mr. I did not have sexual relations with that woman (who was what? Barely legal herself back then?!)… Ok, ya, we believe you, Mr Blow Job from the intern.. in the oval office…!!! This guy couldn't trip over himself harder to But but there NOTHING on old Billy…. You guys look like assholes… Keep it up, lol! I'm sure this comment will be deleted too! Lol!
What was his relationship with his father? ……He choose the dark side. He will be exposed.
Wow 22501 views and only 301likes? YouTube is false news.
Given that much Patterson's work concerns itself with the exploitative and inhumane sentiments of the affluent and powerful towards the weak and vulnerable, I'm not surprised that he'd do an expose like this. I mean just look at his novel Maximum Ride, for instance. It explores the lives of young adults who are subjected to the horrors of genetic testing by their 'owners' (researchers basically) all in the name of greater scientific advancement and technological evolution. It's horrible what power, greed and wealth can do to a person's psyche. It twists their hearts and makes them vicious and uncaring.
Clinton didn't take part in anything questionable. Give me a break!
I am sorry but U Mr. Paterson looks like one of them.
he is just sick i dont care how much money he has america WAKE UP!
"It's a big club!" Right?
I was interested in the book until I knew there were "plot holes" by the author.
Patterson covering up. gives a little smut and that is that Wonder what is really going on…FICTION writer ..get it ? M.D.2
"Not the most sophisticated girls in the world" – Bitch they were 13/14
I hate these tabloid programs.