‘Atrocious Child Abuse’: YouTube Mom Allegedly Duct Taped, Starved Kids Until One Escaped

‘Atrocious Child Abuse’: YouTube Mom Allegedly Duct Taped, Starved Kids Until One Escaped

A 41-year-old mom and famous YouTuber was arrested on Wednesday for disturbing allegations of child abuse. Ruby Franke, known for her “8 Passengers” YouTube channel, allegedly tied up two of her children with duct tape and starved them until one escaped and ran to a neighbor’s house to beg for food and water. The Law&Crime Network’s Jesse Weber breaks down the disturbing case with legendary homicide detective Fil Waters. Read more on this story: https://bit.ly/3EreBhr

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Fil Waters

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47 thoughts on “‘Atrocious Child Abuse’: YouTube Mom Allegedly Duct Taped, Starved Kids Until One Escaped

  1. I dont understand WHY the husband is not charged. HE KNEW. HE left the children there with her. It just doesn't make sense. I think Kevin Franke has connections to the mormon legal system somehow. I dont obviously know the whole story. but this doesn't make sense. HE KNEW what was going on 100 percent . This is child abuse by omission and he should NEVER get the kids again.

  2. And we worship "influencers" and act like these are isolated incidents.

    Do we ever ask ourselves what personality it often takes to want to be the center of the universe?

  3. The father should also be charged. Given the situation that he "wasn't there" after the divorce, I'm sure that this abuse had been going on for years and he absolutely has an idea what's going on, but never put a stop to it

  4. Wow. This video could easily have been HALF the Length! It took 4 min to present the Case, and then the whole discussion with the Ex-Homicide Detective could have been condensed in 2-3 mimutes (instead of going on and on and on over 10 minutes).

    Some people truly elevate talking while saying absolutely nothing of substance to an art form!

  5. This is why its so scary seeing kids being put online and in shows and being exploited to get the money so its so hard to want to watch any of it. I know that some arent doing it…that the kids are sometimes the one that starts it and its for fun but….

  6. I'm sorry but I've grown up with so many Mormon friends, most of the youth groups in my school were Mormon. I've gone to many Mormon church services. It's a cult. And I say that from experience not ignorance. It's not a religion it's a cult that's less than 200 years old started by a con-man and I've seen so many of my friends growing up have their lives controlled by it and I've seen them have to deal with the aftermath of being in this cult make their early adult years very difficult because of trauma. I have yet to meet Mormon parents that aren't complete whackjobs.

  7. All in the name of "humility" and they were "entitled " so dhe quit her channel where she was literally making MILLIONS! Gives the Church a terrible name

  8. “Homeschooling… members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints – seems all well and good, right?” No, doesn’t seem good – 2 red flags right off the bat.

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