Shelby Thornburgh, a high end escort, was only 20 years old when the aspiring model was found dead in her apartment in November 2015. Police are still searching for leads in her murder.
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Poor lady rest in peace..
This dog should be hanged to death
This is why I hire two bodyguards, totally worth the cost
Wheres the pimp
Im an escort for 8 years now… "Incalls" are a bad idea, I may lose money but I refuse to bring men to my place exactly because itd be too easy for them to do something and leave undetected. If you go to THEIR place, they cannot likely get away with anything, most wont even try.
Live Like a WHORE,Die like a WHORE.So Sad One less PROSTITUTE in the world
I dont even care, she probably enjoyed the hell out of her life while she was alive. better that than dragging on several decades in a shitty predicament
how can they be so sure he's the killer ? they don't even have the cctv footage inside the elevator and which floor he got out
maybe she was just the kind of escort that goes on dates and doesn't have sex with them or touch at all
It's sad how rude so many are being. This lady worked and made money and PAID HER WAY in life. Not to feed a drug habit or some terrorist cell or to live off welfare. She had her shit together and made her money fair and square. She just did it by fulfilling the needs of desperate men and some men who think they're the shit and feel good exploiting women. Are you at a higher risk for injury and possible death from such an occupation- yes. Not always, but it's a risk. More people die driving then screwing strangers, lets get real. More die from cancer than from screwing strangers. More people choke each year then die over screwing a stranger for money. Some go home with complete strangers and have one night stands. So, this young woman charged money. Ok.
What we need to really care about is that man who murdered her. This man is someone's creepy ass fucked up son. This man is most likely dating someone's daughter. He might even have kids. This man now thinks he can kill and he wants to kill. This young woman making a living, is not the plague or who we need to freak over- it's men who kill. Men who want to kill and are possibly living in our neighborhood. If there wasn't such a thing as "escorts" or "prostitution", this would not be enough to stop men from killing women. Men who want to kill, will kill period! Soccer church going mom or bald headed cancer mom with two weeks to live and baby on the way. Whatever.
So, seriously, all you haters and hypocrites, STFU! There is a piece of shit out there roaming and feeling really darn good and high over murdering a woman. Maybe he's murdered more than one? Whatever and whoever he is, I'm sure we can all agree, he needs to be caught, because we won't and can't tolerate murderers no matter the occupation of the victim. If you have a heart, you don't decide who who is a throw away and who isn't. This young woman was not a throw away and didn't deserve this nor did her family and friends.
All those with a Tinder account need not reply- you unpaid whores.
its sad but wen u sell ur body its up to u to be safe hav sacuroty atlees with u
you guys should all be a shame of yourselves no one deserves to be dead just because they did not live up to your expectations
Has anyone considered the suspect might be left handed – that being the hand he used with the knife and got blood on. Perhaps that's why it's in his pocket to cover it up
ENHANCE THE VIDEO?! you are full of shit crime watch daily!! you used a filter to make the video look worse and then acted like some dude came along and "cleaned" it up. bullshit!
So sad. She was a young woman.
Chris Hansen is an opportunist and a fraud. If anyone would like proof, just ask.
5gs reward?come on man im sure her life worth more than that dispite bein a pussy seller
these dudes fucking up the game.u fuck the bitches not kill em
Hey everyone, I was arrested. I'm probably going to prison for a while.
Whoring for a tummy tuck? WTF
Poor girl. It wouldn't have happened if she would have worked at my favorite brothel
Omg, poor thing!!!