A young model heading to a new photo shoot disappears. Now police and her family are wondering if she was the victim of a photographer turned predator — or something else entirely.
Aspiring model goes missing after posting on popular website – Crime Watch Daily

Glad this case is Solved
RIP beautiful lady
She was fighting sexual assault in that moment in time and bro killed her not purposely some of the movies come into reality
Couldn’t she just have joined a modeling agency?? Getting into a strangers car who contacted her through social media is just so scary.
If there is a God would sure like to know how he can watch so much pain and suffering and do NOTHING ❗
They would not have drop the ball if it was their child.
Why is Ms. HO HO SMILING??!! No respect this is a horrifying case !!!! Thinking HO just is eager to get her 40 seconds of fame !!!!
Yes Kara Nichols was an escort but
She didn't deserve that fate. She was still somebody's teenaged daughter with a future that was cut short by some mentally challenged predator-
Oh my, what kind of parent uses their daughter's escort half-nude photo on her Missing Person poster???? Gross!
You're not a 'model' if you're just posting pics of yourself on social media. That's a 'wannabe' model. She was an escort. That's what she was ACTUALLY doing. She unfortunately was lying to her parents about a 'modeling' gig. And it doesn't look like she was being paid a whole lot either for her efforts.
Her ego was her downfall. So many of these girls think they're so amazing and the world should worship them because they have a (sort of) pretty face. They think they're so special that nothing could ever happen to them. WRONG.
Lotsa girls wannabe models, honey. And "alternative" modeling doesn't exist. That would be called escorting. Sorry, but that face is not pleasant to look at. Maybe a job at Walmart would have been safer?
fuks to all those internet trolls!
She was not model material, but she was prototypical easy to exploit material
I'm glad they at least finally found her in the beginning of 2022. Cadaver dogs hit on a spot where her body was 10 years ago but they never investigated it any further, until some new leads came in this year and they went and excavated it and found her body 3 feet deep in plastic bags. So sad that she got killed but at least her family gets a little closure.
🥺🥺 this is terrible
She wasn't an angel she was an escort!
Auto 👍bcoz i love true crime story😍
Sad but maybe it’s her lifestyle choices that brought her downfall. Everyone wants to be a model.
Glad they found her remains finally and the guy is locked up.
Super dangerous all round.
I hope she gets home safely. Every soul is precious, i can't imagine what her parents are going through. May they find closure and solace.
She was no model .she was heroin and prostitution….she was no angel …but still sad .
If the female is a minor then she's a runaway. If the female is an adult then she has the right to disappear. Analysis, cops are just pro lazy.
4:15 Who took that secret recording of Deputy Porter admitting to neglecting Kara's disappearance?
So tired of cops neglecting their duties, yet demanding respect from the unprotected public.
She was finally found years afterwards. Rest in power, Kara.
Cops of all types everywhere suck most of the time
Kara was not model material at all sorry to say. She absolutely has that look of something bad could happen. So sorry for her she's gone now they just found her body.
RIP Kara, condolences 💐 to her family and friends.
They just found her remains and a suspect has been arrested! Cold case no more! 👍
Happy they find her and the killer
Her body has finally been recovered…RIP sweet heart. Too sad that chasing your dreams got you killed. I hope that the monster who took your life pays for it…. I am so Glad you were finally found, so your family could get some closure… 🙁
Update in the case! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1elYgQIIZeI
They just found her buried on a farm in Colorado Springs
I knew I had heard of this story somewhere. Her body was just found. Crazy how long it took but they finally have their closure.
Rest in Peace Kara. Thank you for being the first person I ever skipped class with. Miss you…