Tucson Police confirmed in March that remains found in a remote area of Pima County, Arizona were those of Isabel Celis, a little girl who went missing in 2012.
More info on this here: https://crimewatchdaily.com/2016/05/09/will-recently-discovered-video-help-find-missing-florida-girl-isabel-celis/
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The poor dad that made me cry as soon as he starts saying I'm sorry I'm sorry I couldn't protect you
Alot of people need to apologize to Sergio! He went through alot being falsely accused. I also felt bad for his wife.😢😢
The news people should be held responsible if something happens to Justine because they revealed his mom address and home on tv. Also he didn’t do it but now his name will be publicly associated with a horrible crime 😢
Her fathers testimony towards the end feels so forced and uncomfortable he's trying to make a sobbing sound but he's not actually sobbing. Sus.
Dude, Justins friend is higher than actual giraffe pussy in his interview 🦒
Did you noticed how the vanished girls look alike ? What does that tell you ?
I feel so bad for the father. It broke my heart. I hope the baby girl gets justice. Condolences to her family.
I knew immediately that Justin wasn’t the killer. Getting stoned and tipsy all night, then going to murder and kidnap a child in the predawn hours? Not likely.
Idk I just have a bad feeling about the father
3:27 This part was hilarious. The music, the little mad dog.
4:45 And the Oscar awards goes to<<<>>> lying bold man.
I suspect the witness
The dude look like his fridge is filled with weed,his groceries Is weed for sure
The interviewer sooo wierd..
I'm so very sorry for your loss
YOU JUST DO NOT EVER GIGGLE ON A 911 CALL ! The dad is just ridiculous and he should be called out for acting so weird!
The dad is the WORST fake crier EVER!!
Poor baby girl and what she must have went through🥺, my heart goes out to the families of these victims.
“We drank and smoke, we did all the fun stuff.” Words of a typical low life.
How did y'all find put? Is there an update on this?
Father looks & sounds guilty!!!!
all that crying but he didn’t even shed a tear
I'll sorry but the first video the father is smiling and even on the 911 call actually laughs. Then on this video, that little act he puts on at the end is pathetic. Pure acting on his part.
Isabel and the girl who was found dead in the same area as her look identical! I wonder if it's a connection in their murders!!!!
The dad did it… chuckling during the 911 call and the atrocious acting at 5:02 .. he did it
Why is he laughing this drug head Hartfield damn so many dumb uncaring cold people on this planet if only those people were dead by now with Covid would clean up the planet from this filfhty people poor little angel
Yeah I understand why they turned on Sergio did you hear his stupid laugh at the disappearance of his daughter who can laugh like this
The abductor obviously knew which window was to her bedroom .
How was he "not there" to protect her when he was in the house? What was he doing then?
4:43 The dad seems really guilty of something……That kind of expression is fake and overly dramatic. He's doing it to cover for something.
Was he doing something in those hours he feels guilty for?
It might not be the killing but he seems really guilty of something.
Perhaps he has killed another or is a pedophile himself, the latter being what I suspect.
Don't seem honest
As I don’t know the dad , l don’t want to judge his emotions are real ……… but seriously dude ! Please hear me , I’m sorry I did not protect you ? Not a tear
The cops should look at him and dig up his back ground.
Someone call that number and tell the police that the Cousin is involved and that this father had the most insencere break down in the whole wide world! That might just be a clue
My heart breaks for this family💔
The dad might not be the killer but hes still creepy yuck
Crime watch stop showing up a people's homes without notice or invite. Not smart especially since they are a person of interest in a crime & murder at that. Cut this dumb sh*t out!
That was the worse display of cry!!! He was involved somehow…bad parenting.
That guy was obviously high as a kite so I can't imagine why they thought they'd get any valuable or useful information out of him but okay.
I think the dad did it only because there where literally no tears as he was “crying “
Literally so heartbreaking 💔 isabels fathers pain is so sad to see
If a child can be taken away from it`s bedroom at night and murdered the world is at a bad state. A very bad state.
Poor Isabel and all other abducted kids, RIP. MAy the Lord help these hurting parents, it`s not the poor dads fault.
Some people deal differently… I’m glad the comment section isn’t a judge n jury, they would have put an innocent man in prison.