Arizona Girl’s Remains Found Years After Disappearance – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

Arizona Girl’s Remains Found Years After Disappearance – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

Tucson Police confirmed in March that remains found in a remote area of Pima County, Arizona were those of Isabel Celis, a little girl who went missing in 2012.

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43 thoughts on “Arizona Girl’s Remains Found Years After Disappearance – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

  1. The news people should be held responsible if something happens to Justine because they revealed his mom address and home on tv. Also he didn’t do it but now his name will be publicly associated with a horrible crime 😢

  2. I'll sorry but the first video the father is smiling and even on the 911 call actually laughs. Then on this video, that little act he puts on at the end is pathetic. Pure acting on his part.

  3. 4:43 The dad seems really guilty of something……That kind of expression is fake and overly dramatic. He's doing it to cover for something.
    Was he doing something in those hours he feels guilty for?

    It might not be the killing but he seems really guilty of something.
    Perhaps he has killed another or is a pedophile himself, the latter being what I suspect.

  4. As I don’t know the dad , l don’t want to judge his emotions are real ……… but seriously dude ! Please hear me , I’m sorry I did not protect you ? Not a tear

  5. Crime watch stop showing up a people's homes without notice or invite. Not smart especially since they are a person of interest in a crime & murder at that. Cut this dumb sh*t out!

  6. If a child can be taken away from it`s bedroom at night and murdered the world is at a bad state. A very bad state.
    Poor Isabel and all other abducted kids, RIP. MAy the Lord help these hurting parents, it`s not the poor dads fault.

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