Tucson Police confirmed in March that remains found in a remote area of Pima County, Arizona were those of Isabel Celis, a little girl who went missing in 2012.
More info on this here: https://crimewatchdaily.com/2016/05/09/will-recently-discovered-video-help-find-missing-florida-girl-isabel-celis/
Check your local listings at http://crimewatchdaily.com
Oh the keyboard detectives blew it again..
Her dad did not do it. I looked it up an a man was convicted of burglary and murder of this child and it wasn’t dad. So those saying he was guilty should be ashamed!
I understand being I'm denial but Jesus fucking Christ. Even if you're in denial how could you chuckle after your baby girl is gone and her bedroom window is smashed out. Dude I'd be rolling around on the floor hyperventilating and ripping my hair out. I would be so overwhelmed with panic that I wouldn't even know what to do with myself other than hysterically sobbing and hitting myself. My daughter is only 16 months old and if discovered our room in the same way id literally lose my mind at the thought of what someone would be doing with her. It makes me sick to even think about
The police are too lazy.
Please, please oh Lord, execute those who took this precious girl from her loved ones. Please make them suffer to such a degree that their own death becomes their fantasy. Please do bad things to any government official who has enabled the miscreants to commit their evil. These things I pray for in your name. Amen.
He didn't kill his child and some people don't know what to say I believe the father didn't know how react to the news about his child
Can't fault someone based on emotions, some of us laugh during really stressful situations and some of us cry so hard, we laugh. I remember finding out my sister died, somehow I was able to keep my composer and call my three brothers, her son's grandpa and an aunt, I was good for about 20 minutes, and then all I did was cry, for like 2 months, even now, this month marks the 5 year death day and I can't listen to music, look at pics, go places or be around mutual friends, I even got off social media, except YouTube because I'm overly emotional
Dad is creepy as hell looks like a perv..
They put her in one of the vehicles and walked
stop suspecting the dad the whole story is bizarre on its own the man really couldn't believe it and some people can calm down with chuckles
They tell you to remain calm then get suspicious of you when you do remain calm. 🙄🙄
TUCSON (KVOA) – The Tucson man who is set to go on trial in the killing of 6-year-old Isabel Celis and 13-year-old Maribel Gonzales will not face the death penalty, according to court documents obtained by News 4 Tucson Investigators Thursday.
Make you vomit with anger it feels like there is no god
It wasn't the Dad or Mum but that creepy family member who sold his car directly after.
He chuckles as his kid is taken. Creep!
"My little girl has been kidnapped, LOL"
What the fuck man?!
The dads a piece of 💩
He was joking about his daughter being missing hes sick (yes she's missing but hes making a joke after his daughter went missing
Why didn’t he call 911 instead of the wife? 911 should have been first.
You feel so sorry for these parents. I can hear Sergio's pain
Now days u should have a lisence to have kids, wtf is wrong with the world today! Let's all stop and think before harming children.
If anyone accused me of doing what they are accusing the dad of doing and I'm innocent. When they asked him for his response. My response would have been all of you can go F_ck Y__rs_lv_s. Would u like to buy a vowel?
I still don’t trust that father one single bit
Appalling behaviour! So sad! Such a beautiful looking young girl! RIP 💜💙💜🌷🌷🌷
We need find who did this and kill them
He laughed during the 911 call?
I live here in Tucson and can’t believe that happens around my area
democrats love pedo rights.
It’s the father! It’s no way u could be making jokes or laughing because your daughter was kidnapped out her room and you called her mother to get home. I know everyone reacts differently to traumatic situations, but something isn’t right with him. Btw I’m the type to stay calm during stressful situations, I don’t show emotions very much. She was such a beautiful little girl 👼
Poor little girl. 🙏
Father is guilty . Just look through his eyes they tell everything
When you have that unbelievable feeling… yes you laugh sometimes because you’re covering your own thoughts of what could have might happen or happened!
No parents would want their child missing! No parents at all!
Because we all know when your child goes missing, you need a miracle to find them unharmed or safe 🙏🏼
God bless everyone and let’s hope that this kind of things will not happen to anyone! 🙏🏼
I’m not a dad, but I’m a female and in this case I’d be a mother. If I were a mom and this happened to my child I would laugh not cry. And sure I may sound crazy but this is how I cope with sad things everyone is different so stop saying the dad did it because YOU cope differently and think his way is invalid I’m not saying he didn’t do it. But other people are different. Once again I’m not saying he didn’t do it, but don’t say he did it based on the info that he chuckled
Aww I read too fast, I thought they found her alive 😔 R.I.P
Your daughter just got kidnapped and you're laughing? Wow. This is just another Jon Bonet Ramsey case…smh
That is really fucked up. How can someone do that. I hope they find the creep who did that also why the hell would the dad laugh when he called 911. Very strange.
Why did he call his wife,I would have call the police.
He’s laughing to the 9-1-1 operator?
He’s Guity.
Omg soooooooo sad that's it's a little 6 year old girl makes my stomach turn at how sick ppl really are n I cant even about the fact how scared she must've been at that moment ommgggggg 😰😰😱😱😱😱😭😭😭that's why I really think earth really is hell on earth that that happened here. I think it was her step father he seems like hes up to no good
How did the boy notice the window and the father didn't?
I mean deff someone had to know something how you gonna guess what window hers was
He giving me bad vibes he must have done this shit 🙊🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️
ya'll so quick to judge. that's why ya'll ain't detectives. lol. wasn't even the dad.
So distressing when monsters have to pick on kids.
Poor baby,😪
Maybe the dad was staying calm for his sons??
Did I hear the dad laugh?🤔