How easy could it be for a potential predator to lure you into danger? Chris Hansen investigates.
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How easy could it be for a potential predator to lure you into danger? Chris Hansen investigates.
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Those girls did not deserve that at all
I am Very angered about these stories, I find these stories very disturbing and extremely upsetting.
Prayers and Deepest Condolences to this women's family.
Hurting Women is NOT ok
This is a reply post regarding a article on Assault Against Woman:
For what is statistically true, or accurate, and even what is not included statistically, and all other crime such as this is what is ( violence against women) Always unacceptable…
Women have the Right to Feel and be Safe…
No woman…, or person….child…should ever have to experience this kind heinous personal intrusion in their lifetime, this seems to be occurring at least according to news reports more, and all to often.
Actually this activity should be in a stage, or state of Reversal, and NOT Increasing, I am continually upset as well as greatly disturbed in hearing such stories, as I have always have been…
My Heart Always… goes out to any person which have experienced any such similar experience of intrusion, attacks, and, or invasion of their personal well-being… due violence, and or violent behavior,
I will continue to pray for the Safety and Well-Being of Others…
Please Please Be Safe..,
Advocate of Humanity, Author, Writer, Poet, Safety Advocate
Jason Sandifer,
There was people everywhere lol
the one in pink shouldnt have run away n said i was just wanted to be nice. sbe should stick around n hear the whole potential of danger lie ahead of her future as a runner
He’s good looking…. I think that’s why
his looks make them go of the run ….
Anything can happen these days. You could make a real friend again.
Shit, now you have to get warmed up again so you can continue your run
This is just fear mongering.
Men shouldn't be abducting, raping or killing women but do not put yourself in a dangerous situation wit a stranger. I understand what Mr. Hansen was doing.
This segment is full of so much cynicism and selective narrative. None of the victims mentioned were attacked in a busy park by a 6ʻ1 NY fashion model. Women will not be (nor feel) safer by being reprimanded for engaging someone in a public place. These so-called "conned" women didn't fall for anything beside lousy reporting.
Broad daylight, bench directly besides the route, i mean seriously, that is not the regular setup for abductions or murder. The only it highlights how communicative these people were, on top of doing some sports, a normal thing, no risk whatsoever when there are like 10 other people around you probably not part of him.
This is like blaming the women not being careful enough…
That last woman schooled Chris… She did exactly what he suggested she does. Pointless victim blaming segment…
Women think with their pussy it's not just men with their dick
there are a ton of people out there who would turn down someone asking for a picture in a place where there are a lot of people? not many. if he had tried to do something else i feel like someone would have noticed
Regardless if the edge of the track is doesnt take much to be snatched or rape at gunpoint or even with a knife. As women we all have to be careful, it doesn't matter if he seems and its broad daylight
What I do….I Always carry a weapon Even if it's just a small one knife/ pistol/pepper spray etc. Please Avoid isolated areas ESPECIALLY WHEN ALONE. If u are in a unfamiliar, unknown, or isolated area DO NOT WEAR EARBUDS!!!!! Never invite or entertain conversations with a stranger when you are jogging/walking alone. If someone is coming up on your rear do not be afraid to STOP and prep yourself with Weapon in hand just in case. U don't have to be obvious that you're ready but be READY. Let them pass you if you're not comfortable them behind you. Most important rule ALWAYS TRUST INSTINCTS. Safety first ladies. ❤
Actually keeping a schedule is the best way to make yourself a target.
they were in the middle of a park
Hay wazzup guys I'm Chris Hansen and we're going to do a social experiment
Not me. I don't like strange men, cute or not, interrupting my space, etc.
Ted bundy was attractive and he did lure woman and gain their trust like that and he killed them
& yet people keep telling me that being attractive e and white isn't all that it's cracked up to be…
Umm there were people all around lol now if he took them to secluded areas that would be a different story
This experiment was good, but i feel as though we are "supposed" to be kind to one another, put out the good, get it back in return kind if thing. But then something as small as thinking "sure i will take a picture for you", (doing your good deed of the day) could lead you to an assault of some kind. So it is kind of confusing now, instead of being nice, now we should be wary of each other? CONFUSING….. But i do understand the luring away from the running path was easy for this guy because he was young and white, i'm white and i even agree they trusted based on his looks a bit. But helping someone by taking a picture shouldn't be a moment where all of a sudden, there are cameras in your face and this reporter saying "what are you doing," "you could be raped" etc…and my first thought would be i was just helping the guy out by taking a picture…….. Sorry i'm done ranting now, this social experiment has me a little irked.
Sticking to a schedule just means the rapist knows where to find you tomorrow.
This video made it seem like every woman is defenseless, and we should be afraid at all times when approached by a man.
It's broad daylight in a park full of people…and he's asking what were you thinking going with him off the path? There a million people around…. literally someone on the bench right next to them. They weren't being led into the bushes. We are not children we are grown women, it's pretty condescending. Imagine asking men the same questions.
CWD dishing out tips on how to abduct women in the park.
They trusted him because he was attractive but also because society teaches all of us to "give the benefit of the doubt" which is a terrible mistake and it teaches women to behave like this, be submisive, demure, and puts pressure on women to do things to like others as a way to value themselves, this is not a norm for everyone but it's taught since lil, how girls have to keep their clothing clean and not to speak unless they are told, and boys are let to be wild and climb on trees. This is what a predator knows and looks for, a woman who wants to please a stranger because it's what ther are taught, to be a prey to these disgusting men. I hope you at least saved the ones that participated in the experiment by making them aware that they are being naive or careless because it's just wha they have been taught to an inminent situation. Always trust your gut, no matter who you are.
The joggers that got kidnapped were all in an isolated area, not a park where everyone can see them. Besides, the women in this video just stopped by the edge of the track, and non of them actually went into the bushes, why make a big deal out of that? How're we supposed to help strangers in need, something you always promote, if carrying a simple friendly conversation is seen as dangerous?!!
All women think they're fuckin Jedi or some shit with their "intuition", that shit don't help when you have weak arms.
or maybe they know that the likelyhood of them being attacked by some creep is slim to none. is this what its really like to be a woman alone in the street? afraid of everyone who is not recognizable? or who doesnt fit one's expectation of being a safe person? must suck.
this was dumb
It's in plain sight so that probably a reason
Well this is a great How To for future serial killers……
To do this properly they should have also had an ugly guy do this as well.
nice lesson for the predator tho.
Hansen making predators.
so many people around is that the yellow woman said. Not the best to experiment.
These women all dream of the day Zack jogs up and says "hi." Hell, I think I might start dreaming about it.
They should've asked men also
Where the bushes were didn't seem to far off the track, honestly…
Don't jog, it makes your body healthy and sexy, stay fat and gross, you won't attract men at all.
Basically they trusted him because he was attractive. They associate creepy/dangerous guys with being unattractive. The halo effect at work.
yeah keep on blaming the women's "lack of judgement" for the abductions… great… way to go…
this was kinda dumb lol