During his sentencing hearing Friday, convicted wife killer Mark Jensen asked a judge that he be eligible for parole during his life sentence for his wife’s murder. Jensen showed no remorse for his dead wife but became emotional when speaking about his sons before the judge delivered his sentence. “I’ve always tried to be there for my sons,” Jensen said. The convicted killer murdered his wife by poisoning her with antifreeze in 1998.
#MarkJensen #AntifreezeKiller #LawAndCrime
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Mark Jensen is such a loser! He deserves prison! While he spoke, he loves himself!
What a horrific human!
Anyone else getting Buffalo Bill vibes?
This man literally tortured his wife physically & mentally and has the audacity to use that ladies kids as leverage for sympathy⁉️⁉️ He’s definitely a psychopath‼️Burn him at the STAKE🔥🔥🔥
This guy
He is exactly where he needs to be.
Couldn't believe when I watched one of his Neighbours say they saw him giving his father a high five outside his house after his wife was dead
JESUCRISTO has more compasion that everyone here. 😢
It's still all about him, not one thought for his murdered wife / Mother of his children. Lock him up for life.
All these people want "second chances" when they gave no such thing to their victims. You made this choice and now you live with the consequences. Also, all of this is about him and his well being , none of it is actually about his family. If it was he would be at home chillen on the couch, not in prison.
Disgusting POS.
What was the verdict.?! Did he get parole?
Wow! His voice drops into a satanic tone around 4:08. Scary!!!
Why did she stay? Was she Mormon?!! I’ve observed that predominantly it is Mormon females who stupidly put up with abusive and obnoxious and ugly men …
What an arse he is. Why does he have that device?!!
You killed your WIFE with antifreeze for crying out loud!!!!!! What the f—k does that have to do with your accomplishments!! Those are null and void !! You are a narcissist because you are the only important person in your life!! Your boys are now without either parent although J believe they are better off without you!! Hopefully they will be taken care of family and friends who actually CARE about them!!🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
They need to have designated roast masters to give a 30 minute roast session for clowns like this who think this appeal to emotion is going to get him out of the situation he put himself in.
He is just gross.