Amanda Berry And Elizabeth Smart Meet – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

Amanda Berry And Elizabeth Smart Meet – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

Kidnapping survivors Elizabeth Smart and Amanda Berry meet for the first time and talk about surviving captivity. Smart was abducted from her Salt Lake City, Utah home as a teenager by Brian David Mitchell and his wife Wanda Eileen Barzee. Berry, Gina DeJesus, and and Michelle Knight were kidnapped by Ariel Castro, who went on to kill himself in prison.

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49 thoughts on “Amanda Berry And Elizabeth Smart Meet – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

  1. 5:30 that was a stupid question to ask. I lost my brother(only sibling) in 2009, if someone asked me how devastating my brother’s passing was I would have went off on that person saying “It wasn’t devastating at all, what do you think?!” She could ask about that in different wording like “How were you able to cope with it in that situation?” Or something to that affect

  2. This is Lynn Deatherage cousin who kidnapped and sexual assault many times till 2013. And has a young girl father pathological lying psycho man monster 💀😵‍💫💀🦠💀🧠

  3. First of all, I must say that it’s a miracle that Amanda Berry, Elizabeth Smart, Michelle Knight, and Gina DeJesus survived captivity. I cannot fathom how much torture and hell that they went through. I’m glad that they’re alright now and out of there. As for Ariel Castro, I feel bad for everyone in the courtroom that they have to look and listen to him. I feel bad for the detectives who interrogated him. I feel bad for the arresting officer. I feel bad for his defense attorney. Not to mention the D.A who was in the courtroom with him. I especially feel bad for the jury and judges who found him guilty. I feel that Castro took the coward’s way out by killing himself in his cell.

  4. What upsets me is that there is HARDLY any interviews or news coverage about Michelle Knight! Her horrible POS famil NEVER even reported her missing. NO ONE THAT WAS IN HER LIFE CARED ENOUGH TO REPORT HER MISSING! I was so heartbroken when I heard that when the three girls were reunited with loved ones, Michelle had no one to greet her with a loving embrace!!! The news only talks about how the other girls are doing. Michelle was made to have horrific home abortions. She wasnt allowed to keep any one her babies, as Amanda was. I've seen only one interview/telling of the story with Michelle. Please if you know of any updates on her life let me know. I pray that she is living her best life, and received help to heal.please don't think that I don't care about all three of these women. They are strong resilient brave WOMEN! I PRAY FOR ALL OF THEM TO HAVE PEACE, LOVE, AND HAPPINESS IN LIFE!!!!

  5. I am so glad these girls are safe not many survive but I know as strong as they are that mentally messed them up and have trust issues I'm so sorry there are so many monsters out in this world and they need to be caught before this happens again

  6. FYI, Amanda Barry got into Castro's van on her own – he didn't forcefully grab her and yank her in like the dramatization showed. He was the father of her school friend, and she knew him like the other girls he kidnapped did. He asked all 3 of them if they could help him find his daughter on 3 separate occasions, and all 3 agreed and said yes, and hopped into the van willingly, not knowing the fate that lied ahead of them. He even promised Michelle Knight a puppy when she got there, but when she walked upstairs she found there were no puppies; he then told her she was never going to leave that house. All 3 girls knew this man because he was the father of their friend, and they recognized him, so their kidnapping once they got to the house was a surprise to all of them.

  7. In Amanda and Gina’s book, Amanda talks about seeing the rescue of Elizabeth Smart on the news while she was held hostage. Elizabeth gave her hope, saying “If she survived, so can I.” 🤍

  8. When anti feminist ask what’s male privilege , this is male privilege , no woman is gonna kidnap me and keep me in a basement for 10,20,30 years . This is male privilege . Being a woman must be pretty terrifying , I’m so afraid for my niece’s future , this world is full of monsters . I wish more men would understand that .

  9. Damnit!! I can't stop myself from crying everytime I see Elizabeth. N Amanda??!! I had no idea she was reporting crime and helping find missing people. Can u imagine the strength these women possess?!! Smh so proud of these ladies!

  10. Although I was fairly young when the kidnapping of Elizabeth Smart took place, I remember it very clearly. However, while this was going on, my older cousin Ashlie, resembles her very well that when one day she was in the food market with my aunt, someone actually believed that she was Elizabeth Smart. My cousin was the same age as her at this time.

    On the day she was rescued, my dad had told me he saw her in the disguise walking out of the same Walmart he was at with her captors but didn’t recognize them until about an hour later after she had been found.

  11. Two brave, strong, courageous women meeting face-to-face. Amanda and Elizabeth are two of the strongest heroes in this 🌎 in my eyes. God bless Elizabeth, Amanda, Michelle, and Gina 😇😇😇😇

  12. Elizabeth had 9 months Amanda did 10 years jaycee duggard did almost 19 years Michelle knight did 12 years Gina did almost 10 years these women are strong and brave to keep fighting. I hope these women find peace

  13. Elisabeth Smart gives me the creeps. I don't know why, buy she does not feel real. I can not understand why, but she seems like someone who is making money of her abduction. That;s all what she wants.

  14. I appreciate the fact that y'all have 4.61 million subscribers and y'all haven't put ads on, even though you clearly could. It's about the people for yall not the money and that's something to note.

  15. That is so sad in our world. There shouldn't be any child or children end up missing. What a heartless, selfish, and absolutely horrible thing for any person to do to a child. Especially a teenage girl. To be so devilish and cruel hearted to kidnap anyone's child for your own sick, demented fantasies. Just remember one thing. God sees all and will make you pay one way or another for bringing harm to or murdering one of his children. There's no place you can hide or run to. He will make you pay severely for your crime.

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