Alleged Serial Killer Accused Of Dismembering New Yorkers – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

Alleged Serial Killer Accused Of Dismembering New Yorkers – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

A Crime Watch Daily segment about a woman killed and dismembered in New York prompted one viewer to make a connection with another case in the area.

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40 thoughts on “Alleged Serial Killer Accused Of Dismembering New Yorkers – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

  1. Dna found underneath the victims nails, but someone else was charged? Can the other guy been the serial killer and maybe this guy killed her? I'm juat wondering what DNA evidence do they have on the other guy?

  2. ********Winner******* Will be joining the football team of Bubba and the boys where he will be a tight end and become a wide receiver ouch💋💋💋💋👍👍👍👍

  3. I Steve Irungu Jermaine I pledge to God that I will respect women period so help me God in Jesus name Amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 by Steve Irungu Jermaine

  4. guys i wrote this because i care about you guys and please don’t ignore this message. I just wanted to tell you guys the best way i can Jesus loves you guys unconditionally and i’m very serious about this he loves you a lot . you might not really like this but i really want y’all to know because Jesus loves you for example isaiah 43:2 “When you pass through the waters, i will be with you” He will be with you every single step of your life, through the day, when you get tired, mad, sad, frustrated he knows about it i know you guys heard this already but Jesus died on the cross for your sins which meant to me that every time you cuss,lie, or steal he died just for that. you can repent and turn from it and live with christ He is the way the truth the life and sometimes we fall in a temptation with sin and it’s ok God will still love you he does not love the sin at all but still loves you (if that made sense) anyways have a blessed day!✝️

  5. 🤷🏽‍♀️ 2004, 2016… so they originally charged the wrong person in 2016. What the hell. So they found the right person when someone came forward about a 2004 case.

    So the person they’re showing is actually the older man in the court room. Who loved to Miami. This man probably killed more people.

  6. I remember him from back in the day he tried to talk to me going down broadway when I was going to my boy friend house and he was dead following me

  7. not trying to deny his involvement and his conviction, but where was he cutting up these alleged bodies? At his home with his family? I wish we knew more about that, because other than the DNA evidence we are all kind of left in the dark in terms of what else was presented as evidence to convict him.

  8. But yes new York idiots. This is toooootally why we should defund the police. Fuckin morons. U gonna send social workers to their deaths dealing with people like this? Good luck. Hopefully all u new Yorkers end yourselves then people with brains could come in and take over

  9. الله يرحمهم و يغفر لهم و يسكنهم الفردوس الأعلى من الجنة بفضل الله و رحمته و مغفرته و جوده و كرمه سبحانه

  10. My aunt in law sister has been missing for a long time I never met her but I watch this everyday to see if at least maybe one day she’ll be found my aunt is so hurt even though it has been a very long time

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