Attorneys for disgraced South Carolina lawyer Alex Murdaugh say they’ve spoken with a fourth juror after filing a motion for a new trial, alleging that the jury was tampered with by the Colleton County Clerk of Court. Jim Griffin and Dick Harpootlian say they believe the convicted family killer will get be granted a new trial. The Law&Crime Network’s Angenette Levy spoke with the pair at CrimeCon in Orlando about their claims, whether they will ask Judge Clifton Newman to recuse himself, and their new-found celebrity status after the Palmetto State’s trial of the century. Read more on this story:
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A couple of the most deluded and incompetent human beings to ever practice the profession. Their performance during the trial was a steady source of comedy, I’m glad they were his attorneys though. Big Red got what he deserved for slaughtering his wife and son.
Good interview. Jim needs to unbutton his jacket as it is distracting, but I think they made some good points. The financials should have been left out of a murder trial, but they opened the door for it.
Everyone blaming the defense attorneys—it’s not their fault. Blame the court clerk! She had one job! She should have never spoken to that jury! Now all of their time they spent away from family and deliberating and being in court is wasted. Don’t blame the attorneys; the law is the law. Everyone is entitled to a fair trial per the constitution/Bill of Rights. If you want to blame anyone, blame the court clerk who overstepped her bounds.
Griffin you are blaming cops?
Oh no smokes? Or kept until ;verdict reached. Poor jury are being bribed now by these two lawyers not with money but smooth talk.
Oh really? The whole world watching were all jury and no clerk talked to us. Guilty of double murder. Forever. These lawyers just love limelight. He is guilty by video exposed by his own son Paul. Phone evidence. All witnesses told truth except Alex
Is him getting or not a new trial after all?
These two clowns are just as crooked as Alex
They made a big deal about water on the ground and the hose not put up right, clearly in the kennel video someone started spraying water shortly after the video began which sounded like someone was washing out a kennel and not Alex cleaning up himself after the murders.
Those 2 should be in jail with AM they are soar loosers!!! And fulll of it!
Bag of pills were part of his paranoia but he lied all the way to the trial! That’s almost 2 years! It was the only thing that showed how close he was at the time of deaths.
Weird that they keep harping on that FB post when that was NOT the reason egg lady was dismissed.
Go ahead and waste money on a new trial, the out come will still be the same…GUILTY!
The presenter looks a lot like a young Hilary Clinton! (Janette Levy?)
The job of the defense lawyers is to sell their client's innocence. They don't actually believe any of this.
Their not doing anything free of charge.
The fact that they're openly excited about being "celebrities" tells me all I need to know about the character of these two attorneys…
You're lucky that Todd Rutherford is backing you up.
What a shame
Of course when Todd Rutherford is supporting Alex Murdaugh everything is possible. That's not about jury tampering it's all about Todd Rutherford… Don't let them to fool you. One disgraced attorney Todd Rutherford vs. Another disgraced attorney Alex Murdaugh. That's it.
When Todd Rutherford stood up and gave a standing ovation for Alex Murdaugh I knew he would get a new trail and possibly get off his crime.
I lost confidence in the judicial system.
One disgraced attorney vs. Another disgraced attorney Todd Rutherford!
You know watching the Netflix special #2 I had to question the whole cell phone propaganda. They “tried” to get into the phone for how long? Everything they tried to do and then what? Low and behold they just put his bday in and BOOM it opens. I’m sorry but I am not a PI, nor an investigator, just a curious civilian and that would have been the very first thing I would have tried to enter… just saying
When Angenette is talking I have to turn the volume down because her voice is obnoxious. I pity her husband having to support her barking if she is married.
This is ridiculous abd so are Alex's lawyers. They are all full of it. Alex lied and just kept lying. The lawters are mad bc they didn't get that extra money from his account. The lawyers s were waiting for something who knows they mught have been baggering the jurors. They seem like their high schoolers fighting. Ugh Sorry not going to finish watching this. I don't believe they are up and up!
The big lie was the biggest lie that told us the truth of what happened.
The comments here speak volumes