On this episode of “Prime Crime with Jesse Weber,” he takes you through the twisted case of Alex Murdaugh, the disgraced South Carolina lawyer convicted of murdering his wife and son in June 2021. The Murdaugh murders case is filled with death, countless lies, and tragic endings for the victims involved.
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Watch More Prime Crime with Jesse Weber:
Doctor Caught Hiring Hitman to Kill Ex-Girlfriend: https://youtu.be/OQBk7_E4yOA
Mysterious ‘Witchcraft’ Triple Murders: https://youtu.be/d4Rss_Eygkw
Her Babysitter Left Her with a Monster: https://youtu.be/qGmyGLWAh60
Massacre Near Disney World: https://youtu.be/p4-QxEgp8fg
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Is it possible someone went after the son for killing that girl in the boat crash, shot the son, the mom was a witness so she was also killed ?…
5 people have died around this man in mysterious circumstances. Fool me once…
"We have evidence the shooter was 5'2" to 5'4"."
Well, Alex dropping to his knees to shoot would be just about right, then, eh?!
Alex Murdaugh: Those damn kids and their social media videos!
Maggie was no saint, did she deserve to be murdered, no, of course not however she was put of this family.
He wasn't a lawyer he where a con man murderer an druggie🙆🤷⚖️🏛️
Greed as always with rich😮😢🙏
I just started the netflix doc about this fam n i got 2 ep s in last p.m. n couldnt hep myself went down the youtube rabbit hole as soon as the coffee pot was going at @ 6 n inhad my a.m. spliff in hand n now inwanna watch more but being 42 unfortunately life calls 😢
Judge went too far making his own moral judgments … these state judges just have to orally express their egos
This family had it coming.
The Murdaugh family had lot of secrets and lies and they did things behind closed dooors and it was illegal and bad.
Paul and Maggie were no saints either and Paul caused a boat accident and of course Paul would run to his father for help and Alex told them all to keep quiet about it*** That was their start of their downfall and people were dying and dissappearing and it all led back to the Murdaugh family*** They felt they were above the law and they had money and Alex took money from his law firm and stole it and put them in his account. They had everything now Murdaugh legacy is over. He got what he deserved prison time… Alex shot Maggie and Paul and tired to once again cover it up*** This whole family was strange.
Better than any soap opera…….but oh so sad
Junior was Poppin Ma in the rear inside the Kennel with a spiked Dog Collar on,, he had u huge throbbing erection inside ma,,when Pops offed him.
The world did not watch.
Let's not exaggerate.
He showered after the shooting and had a change of clothes ready. It was planned.
They weren’t the asset anymore they were the liability.
844 isn’t 5 minutes before they were shot. At 844 everything went down. All phones went dead at that point directly after that. Time of death was 844-849 they said. Idk how they came to that. But Alex was calling for his dog. Likely removing him from the situation because otherwise he would have probably got in the middle of it and been jumping on him or people he was trying to shoot. They probably were dead within a minute or two max of that video being taken. I mean if we are to believe the states time of death. Which I do believe. But I genuinely believe that time based off trust solely. Trust that they wouldnt make it up. Idk how they determine time of death tbh. Or how accurate it is. I know one thing they used was the phones. Saying they were never used again after 844
Buster did this, not his dad,
Murdaughs son killed the kid found on the highway in the hit n run and alex the dad was tired of cleaning up his sons messes.first it was the hitnrun then the boat accident then alex decided to kill his son because he wascausing a financial drain on the family. Or alex murdaughdid the hit n run when the kid saw alex murdaugh buying drugs and didnt want to be ratted out.
Body language when he says he did not kill Paul.
It’s like he is nodding in a positive agreement
There are some people who hate them.
i dont feel bad to them at all
R.I P pa pa and maggie ❤
Well hunters are always scum.. no surprise
I think he had a secret and a double life( eg. Closeted homosexual for eg) and his wife and kid discovered it. He killed both of them
The fact that they were all ginger and overweight makes it even more disturbing
I’m currently in season 2 but the Murdaughs – from Alex and his sons – seem … off. Physically they almost look like they’re suffering from FAS or something similar. Alex’s way of speaking is also childishly squeaky and simple – anyone else get this feeling?
Loved Judge Newman wish we had more like him.
Isn’t a marriage supposed to be “for better or for worse NOT who kills who first”?
He said, "I did them so bad."
Agregious entitlement and privilege from a corrupt family who controlled justice for decades. Their Karma finally came around. They actually believed they could get away with murder along with stealing and deception. They are still in disbelief that they are held accountable. Their attorneys are fighting the conviction as we speak. Disgusting. They're claiming jury tampering, which is what Mudaughs had done for decades. Karma
This dude looks like a psycho
Rich entitled people think they have the right to do whatever they want for whatever reason.
Nothing wrong here, multiple deaths, not just his kid and wife, cover ups or any financial irregularities, whats the problem. What a family. Corruption and bad people at it's finest.
This 22 min video is more critically informative than the Netflix documentary that brought me here
Some holes are bigger than others. This hole is as big as they come. Evil is running rampant through this world and this is just one more example.
Personally I don't think the father killed them, I think people finally had enough ad set him up. But he is where he belongs.
Melly / Melvin changed in to shorts after the murders too .
And Buster is still running free 🤔
My first clue would’ve been when he called 911 and immediately went into “i had a flat tire and stopped to change it….” instead of “help I’ve been shot!” That’s what people who aren’t liars with some big elaborate story would’ve done.