Disgraced lawyer Alex Murdaugh has reportedly been writing letters from jail, doubling down on his innocence claims while owning up to his financial crimes. This comes as the legal battle over insurance money from his housekeeper’s tragic death heats up. The Law&Crime Network’s Angenette Levy breaks it down.
Angenette Levy: https://twitter.com/Angenette5
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Personally i think folks in that area finally had enough and set him up. He is where he should be. But i think people knew there was only one way to beat them.
The housekeeper was murdered, we all know that now, and he is going to get away with that. That poor woman was murdered.
I question the insurance company you just gave him the money insurance company didn't investigate
"legal toilet paper" goes harrrd.🔥🔥👏👏💯💯😂
Murdaugh couldn't stop lying and manipulating people if he actually wanted to. This circus will continue for years to come.
Hes a self admitted liar, no ones going to believe him ever again surely?
He would “never hurt wife Maggie and son Paw paw 🐶 🐾 “ but you DID kill them.
You will never get out of jail.
He is lying now. She was there to work. Alex wasn't there when she fell. He is a thief, murderer and a liar. Why should anyone believe him now. Always scamming!
Intuitive individuals can look into his eyes without knowing, hearing anything about the case and tell you he is lying…
He is guilty and nothing will change that. Nothing he does is surprising. It is the way he is and acted his whole life.
You shouldn't be able to convict anyone on circumstantial evidence… Ridiculous. That's not actual PROOF
Does he not think that his alleged addiction and theft of millions of dollars did not hurt his family?
If he told me the sun was shining I would walk outside to make sure! That's how much I believe him.
I don't think he murder his family. I did watch the whole trial. He is a scumbag. But not murder.
I really hope all his bad choices were worth it. We all have bad things. People like him get away with it because of their tax bracket. Every bad decision blew up on his face. Slowly but surely. It’s hilarious and sad that it took him murdering his wife and son and self snitching for ALL This to come to light. I wish more people would have came forward. That could have been prevented. From all of his unethical choices. When someone tells you who they are believe them.
“Not if my times are right.” Lol He couldn’t be guilty. Not if his times are right! Lol
Notradamus- Les Prophéties. (Century X:27) Through the fifth one and a great Hercules They will come to open the temple by hand of war: One Clement, Julius and Ascanius set back, The sword, key, eagle, never was there such a great animosity.
North American (eagle) Paul walker was working on the seventh Fast And Furious movie ("through the fifth"). When, with financial adviser Roger Rodas (sword&key) left from co-hosting a charity event (Temple) for a 2013 Philippines Typhoon. They died on Hercules st. Santa Clarita California by car crash. The weather was mild (clement) and the natural disaster caused both to fundraise for typhoon which caused aprx. 6600 deaths and $2.98 billion in damages(war). They both died (a great animosity).
Idk how anyone thinks he is innocent when he was there SECONDS before they died and lied about the entire time line of events and only told half truths after being caught. Common sense ppl
He was there… So who killed Maddie and Paul
Bull dust
Alex, it's just not going to work. There is more evidence you did it than any trial I have ever followed without a confession.Give it up , get used to where you are, you need to be there and you are going to be there for a long time. If actual justice is done you will get the death penalty.
Guilty as sin you can see it in his eyes
💛Sad when u have a beautiful family
& That's not enough 💛
He has nothing to gain by confessing, and everything to gain by claiming innocence.
This is a typical narcissist and sociopath! Tragic.
2:28 I watched him on the stand live and have no clue as to how many times I’ve seen the clips of him on the stand since. But, I only just now noticed Alex lopped up a big ole stream of snot running down his face like it was nothing and just wanted to point it out to anyone else who didn’t notice it, either. Lol
So Alex actually thinks his addiction DIDN'T hurt Maggie and Paul? He should have got the death penalty.
Give it up Alex….you’re behind bars permanently
He is innocent, lolololol
He lied his whole life…..still doing it! From all accounts he even encouraged both his sons to lie and he would cover their backs. How is it even possible to believe a word he says now.
I still believe he is innocent!
Love the new look big guy, how’s the heroin in the prison scene going, not like what ya used to but, hey, any port in a storm aye.
Hahahaha, get some head counts into ya…..!
I am sure this whole Nazi-like family has been killing people for the last 100 Years
When they got him he was talking about people killing freedom fighters,,, This is the Real Domestic Terrorists <—-<<<
His wife pushed her down the steps. They covered it up.
he's like shiffty shiff, the 💩that will not flush!!!! like how every time he lies he gets that tongue lip thing going like a snake
It's because he actually thinks he can win the appeal. Lie's, Lie's, and more Lie's.
Who would believe anything he says about anything? He's a pathological liar. Any testimony he gives in any court or for any reason couldn’t be believed.
if your job doesn't require you to say your name at the beginning and end of every video, please stop doing it
He would make pinocchio blush
This guy is going to get quite a long time for the financial crimes. It is an interesting case the murder though. The cirumstantial evidence was not overwhelming and the physical crime was very minimal. He got convicted to a degree because hes just a terrible person. Its fine by me if he spends the rest of his life in prison.
As the saying goes. “How do you know that he’s lying? His lips are moving” AM lawyers see a gravy train & riding it for all it’s worth. The Low Country is very fitting. I thought the name came from the lay of the land. I now realize that’s not the case.