Thirty-three-year-old Kouri Richins stands accused of murdering her husband, Eric Richins, by poisoning him with fentanyl mixed into a “Moscow mule” drink in March 2022. The Law&Crime Network’s Angenette Levy breaks down a timeline of Richins’ actions before and after the death of her husband with expert insight from Dr. D’Michelle Dupre, a forensic pathologist.
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0:50 “richards” angenette we not even a minute in get it together girl
“My kids and I kinda wrote this book.”
A true feminist
The fact that she could sit there and talk about her husband's death like it was such a shock to her. Creepy, and evil.
Man would I hate to be you on judgement day
The only ones I'm worried about are the kids. How is one set of grandparents allowed to see them and not the other that is detrimental to those kids.
She bought the life insurances! She's evil.
Classic case of wealthy husband, and non wealthy wife who was millions in debt, and she seen his death as a way out, but it backfired, and now shes lost it all, her sons, her business, worst of all her freedom, and liberty; now shes facing life behind bars. so tragic for these 3 boys.
Soon as the mother in law said he came to her if she had contacts for illegal drugs ,I knew her family was lying. First of all, why would he think his mother in law had drug contacts in the first place ??? In what world would anyone go to your mother in law for a drug supplier ??? 😂
After he changed all the beneficiary's and appointed his Sister over everything he should've gotten out. Once a Narcissist is backed into a corner things get scary.
Man he had plenty of chances to leave. If only he would have listened to his gut. I wish he would have left.
The way she blew through money that 2mil wasn’t gonna last two years!! Smh
She is a monster! Narcissistic …she doesn't love no one just herself. I hope she live enough in jail to read millions of times her insensitive book. My prayers for Eric his 3 sons his family and friends. Is impossible no to cry
Demeanor in That tv interview said it all!! 😂😂😂
A greedy, psychopath with zero conscience..How she even has a grain of chance is beyond belief..How he stayed with her was a phenomenally bad move can't understand how he let her sneak the drug in his drink..
All Mormons are sinister creeps
RIP Eric, what an awful way to go.
Almost two years since and she's still not convicted. The evidence seems pretty clear cut if it's true, why would they not be moving this along.
She was really bad at this.
Before she wrote the book, what did she do for a living? How could she pay all that money back to Eric, taxes, lenders, etc.? Makes no sense unless she had an amazing career.
Uhm… how did she change her husband‘s beneficiary on his life insurance policy to herself? Wouldn’t the husband need to be present? This sounds very sketchy.
My question is what was she spending the money on?
for everyone saying "now their kids have no parents" losing her wasn't a loss. she was a bad parent before she even took their dad away from them. she knew how losing him would hurt them and she planned it anyway. most abusers who murder their spouses were abusive to the kids too (doesn't always have to be physical).
She has an angel face but her eyes look so evil. The eyes could tell if you are a kind person or pretending to be kind. I don't believe she's innocent.
This chick believes she is much smarter than she really is. She will literally convict herself and I am all for it.
What a psychopath She not only murdered someone but wrote a book about grief 'for her kids' She may have continued with her children and been a serial killer had she not got caught
I feel bad when I spend $100 that I didn't need to. How do these people spend millions and on what?
The way she has her hair parted on her television interview has always bothered me and I know that that is petty but the rest of the cases just to heartbreaking. I need a distraction
I'm still trying to figure out the part in her hair.
Oh my god ! How could she prove that he took it on her own?
People are making pills with fentanayl all over its very common they have pill pressers to make them look like other pills and they are powerful and kill .Fentanayl is powerful😮
Wow a bunch of debt but the poor kids. And the husband suspected his wife of trying to kill him and he didn’t leave and get his kids out of her care? Just so sad all around.
I had a feeling about her right from the TV interview about the book.
She had already tried to kill him on Valentine’s Day – it didn’t work – hence asking for stronger stuff. Eric had intuition but then again it’s hard to believe that your wife wants to kill you. He must have been such good guy that probably didn’t accept it logically even though he had the feeling. God knows what she did to get him back eating from her hand – 2 weeks later she takes another lethal chance. She was clearly obsessed with money and living the good life. She even googled ‘jails for rich people’. Her own actions brought her back to reality. She thought she was a princess- well, now she will be one but in jail. 👑
Stop playing that clip of her on TV with those hens, promoting herself. That's beyond insulting to Eric's memory.
"People always get caught but I am smarter. They wont catch *me*! But before I put my waterproof plan into practice, first let me establish the number 1 common motive (money) and do it the number 1 typical way (life insurance). That always puts the beneficiary as the prime suspect for investigators but with me, everything will turn out different!" Was that her thought process? She is a very smart individual in any case.
What did this woman did with all her money in her P?
WHen is the movie starring Sandra Bullock due to come out? 🤔😏
I think that she was a mega coke addict. Did you hear her taking those massive sniffs while talking?
What was her vice, gambling? Boyfriend? Where did she take all the money to?