6 Damaging Lies Told by Accused Child Killer Letecia Stauch

6 Damaging Lies Told by Accused Child Killer Letecia Stauch

Since the day Gannon Stauch disappeared, his accused killer stepmom’s story has changed numerous times. From phone conversations with Gannon’s dad, Al Stauch, to interviews with the FBI, Letecia Stauch has been caught spewing lie after lie in attempts to deflect blame off of herself. The Colorado woman stands accused of brutally murdering her stepson in his bedroom, stuffing his body into a suitcase, and dumping it in Florida. The Law&Crime Network’s Angenette Levy breaks down the six most damaging lies told by Stauch throughout the investigation into Gannon’s death. Plus, famed attorney Jose Baez reacts to Stauch’s claim that she retained him as defense counsel in her case.

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32 thoughts on “6 Damaging Lies Told by Accused Child Killer Letecia Stauch

  1. May Gannon rest in peace .my condolences to his mom and Dad .i feel sad for the this poor young girl .she lost he entire family .because of her own mother what shame .

  2. I believe Al is at least partially responsible because Leticia didn't just all of a sudden become a crazy person. He knew she was unstable and left his son with her.

  3. I have serious questions about the circumstances and detail of where LIEtecia was when Chance died, my gut is telling me she gave him an overdose of whatever drug he was taking. Murder charges have no timeframe for a person to be charged and tried for murder. While she is currently serving a life sentence, if she was responsible in anyway for Chance’s death, she should be charged and tried to bring closure of some kind to his family and friends.

  4. She is one of the most terrifying woman capable of massive physical, psychological and emotional abuse Al Stoucht could ever suffer. Poor Gannon did not stand a chance she is a true psychopath

  5. She was a teacher?
    Heard Asst Principal ask if they need to get sub for her, she’s teaching children and pronounces the word “everything”, EVERYTHINK??

    What she did to Gannon (and his poor parents 💔), she deserves to rot in jail FOREVER- vile, lying, despicable, EVIL woman.

    My heart goes out to Gannon’s Mom & Dad….can’t even begin to fathom what they’ve suffered thru .
    I’m so, so sorry for you!!!
    Rest in Peace Sweet Boy🙏❤️

  6. When someone kills and then says they have an undiagnosed mental illness that did the crime, I know it's all lies. The worst one was that Tim guy that had gotten through college and held a job at Microsoft but then killed all 5 of his kids because his ex was going on a date with another man. He tried saying he was schizophrenic. They lying starts when the cops show up

  7. This Buffon. His name being brought up, ANYWHERE, is a dream for this guy. His behavior in this interview is sickening. As if, Because he wasn’t involved, he “knows nothing, other than his name was mentioned”. He “assumes” it was a murder case. AT THE VERY LEAST, DO ALITTLE RESEARCH before you agree to come on a podcast (or anywhere)

  8. What about Harley and all her lies? Many feel sorry for her but should watch the video calls after Gannon was found, laughing about the Vigil Landen set up, changing Gannon’s life insurance to put her (Harley) as the main beneficiary without her mom telling her to (letecia was proud of her for thinking to do it) and atleast two gofundme scams…that act in court was just that, an act. I even fell for it at first.

  9. I Still Don't See What Al Even Seen In This Ratchet Witch… The Type Of Of EVIL LIAR & MANIPULATER She Is Does Not Show Face Overnight Or Is Easily To Keep Hidden… I'm Almost Certain He Ignored Many RED FLAGS 🚩🚩🚩

  10. I knew she did it when I read her posts on FB. Then she didn't even help search for Gannon! Everyone was out searching in the cold getting soaked by sleet and snow trying to find that poor kid, knowing he may be even colder not being bundled up. Everyone thought he was wearing pants and a light jacket. She dames herself from day 1 of her spouting lies.

  11. If she was unhappy then leave him it crazy she’s been a lair Sence the gurl was a child 12 years old she lied to her daughter about why her dad died so did cops find out how he died over dose ok yeah she had something to do with that

  12. I feel bad for her daughter. Lost her dad. And now has to go through court proceedings testifying against her mother who killed her step brother.

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