Sky Metalwala, a 2-year-old boy, vanished after his mom Julia Biryukova says she left him for more than a hour in the backseat of a car. The child’s father Solomon Metalwala says that his wife obsessively cleaned their home and demonstrated mental health issues before they separated.
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Between the judge and the mother the kids didn’t stand a chance.
Error in judgement of custody cases often ended with the kids dead or missing or in serious abuse. Harmony Montgomery's case is so similar to tjhis
This interviewer is way too agressive. I have seen him approach guilty people yelling several times and every time he is obnoxious like they are the only people to never talk to him.
Yeah because everyone, even innocent people LOVE to take impromptu accusatory intervoews from a raving lunatic yelling outside their door….
Aww he was so cute. Rip little one 😢
She is a monster!! Pure evil
Dang as a baby you can’t even be lighting up rooms next thing you know boom 💥 you’re missing
They always popping tf up on people, it’s hilarious 😂
Yet another senseless murder big pharma is ultimately responsible for. What she went through is called protracted withdrawal from psychotropic drugs. The worst thing he did for his wife was take her to a clinic and put her on different meds. Smdh
Cleaning the house obsessively is big red flags! Something is wrong with her and you should definitely convince her to go to a psychiatrist. My mother started obsessively cleaning due to her depression and I’m glad I got her help
If the judge didn’t look at the blonde hair and blue eyes the baby would still be here
So convenient that people want cops when it’s convenient for them and to their merit but outside of that don’t want anything to do with them :/ I see this so many times
So………. the judge is at partial fault for the death of this boy.
As a person that has been treated for OCD, excessive cleaning was about control for me. I couldn't control anything else in my life besides my immediate environment.
Postpartum depression turned psychosis???
Maybe she have OCD
She killed her son and buried him
Why when your a suspect in a murder case even if you have an attorney are you not kept for questioning? It doesn’t make sense.!
This reporter’s so annoying I can’t focus on his news report 🥴
Sky? As a dudes name…?
Lady is Bat shit crazy!!!!
Son looks kinda like I did
This is so sad and unbelievable how a child murderer can easily get away with murder by just getting rid of evidence that being the child. Period
Oh shoots!!!!!!.
'You call the cops yet you don't wanna co-operate with the police?'
This guy sure knows how to troll
of course this happened with the Bellevue police department. they are notorious for being incompetent and corrupt. look at the atif rafay and sebastian burns case. their entire justice department is a complete fucking joke. u should expect nothing less when dealing with them and as sad as it is to say dont expect them to yield any results or even put any real effort into finding this kid or locking up the nutjob mom. if anything good comes of this case ( and I pray it does ) it wont come from who your tax dollars pay for, sadly. I cant even think of anything more useless. this is the absolute worst place this could of happened.
Don't marry Russians, they're psychos.
>Be woman.
>Get caught lying and are also mentally unfit.
>Get rewarded with full custody.
Fuck this hyper feminized society. And fuck bitches.
Lazy b*** right there. She won't get up get the kid dressed, she ain't even got to watch the kid all day. And the dam judge gives her the kids. How TF she gonna take care of em. She can't even get them dressed. She's lazy & a liar!! That state should've been took those kids. Why can't the state believe a father?! Real dad's are jus as good as mother's.
The Fact she struggled to get up n get a kid dressed for Daycare should have been a WARNING sign I mean we are all naturally built to accomplish so much In a day no matter what size. Even ppl with depression or the sickest, obese, or sick get so much done a day. If u can't get up to dress ur kid n send them off, you need to get help. She didn't even have to watch the kid
2:04 o’only thing the wife had to do was get the daughter dressed and get her to daycare’. Omg, seriously the entitlement of men…
38 secs into the video im thinking yea i would call the cops on u too if ur in my face and chasing me down, screaming questions at me and coming onto my property!
The guy PASSED the lie detector but the judge still gives the kids to the crazy mom? K then
I think the reason people slam the doors on you people is cause your showing up at there dam door with cameras shoved in there faces like the paparazzi. Respect privacy
This lady seems to have a super power where law enforcement and judges see her as completely normal when in reality she is bat shit crazy
Ughhh this case really really pisses me off sooooo bad!! How could u be so damn stupid smh… u take one child wit u but not the other child wtf doesn't make any sense at all man. She's such a liar, LOCK HER DUMB ASS BLONDE ASS UP PLEASE!!!!🤨🤬
The dad seems like such a good person aside from just marrying someone he just met. I hope he's doing better now, nobody deserves what happened to him. That witch of a mom needs to pay.
That heffa is lying!
What…… when i saw that overlake hospital i was like wtf they must have more in Washington but when they said Bellevue i was shocked that is waaaaay too close to me 😐😐😐 yes there has been murders like 2 blocks from my house but something that has been on t.v. and something that is big like this just makes me feel "wow" you know i just couldn't explain it. I rarely see stuff like this from where I'm from. Ted bundy is the only one i could name tbh
When someone runs from Crime Watch daily, it is a strong clue that they are guilty.
Make sure you do a DNA test Dad on ALL the sites. When the boy is 20 he will be looking for you.
She clearly has severe mental health issues. This is truly sad.